Gramercy Riffs

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The Gramercy Riffs are a fictional gang in the 1979 cult film The Warriors. In the film, they are the largest and most important gang in New York City. They are sometimes referred to as The Riffs. A set based on martial arts, their turf is Gramercy, Manhattan.

They are dressed in karate gi, but at the end of the film, they are seen wearing black T-shirts and matching jeans. The Riffs' members seem to be entirely or almost entirely African-American. It is never mentioned how many members the Gramercy Riffs have, but they are the biggest gang in New York City. At the start of the film, the Riffs are led by Cyrus, but he is assassinated by The Rogues. Masai later takes charge and proves to be a true leader by hunting down those who killed Cyrus.

At the start of the film, the Riffs' warlord Cyrus is giving a speech to all of New York's heavier gangs, stating that if they all worked together they could run the city, outnumbering the police three to one. At the climax of the conclave, Cyrus is shot by the Rogues' leader Luther, who then frames the Warriors for the crime. This results in the Riffs hunting them down until the Rogues are proven guilty of the crime by an onlooker. The last few missions follow the same story as the film, with the Riffs hunting down the Warriors. Earlier missions revolve around the Warriors' trying to get on the Riffs Network. Cyrus is also shown in several cutscenes explaining his idea to his warchief Masai.