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[edit] Who i am and my interests

Hello the names David Glynn Clarke im still trying to get the hang of editing on Wikipedia. I joined on the 12 of July 2007 at 15:40pm but made many edits before i actually made an account. My Username The Gr8opinionater is a nickname ive been saddled with from my friends as im so opinionated about Everything!! It has virtually become my Nom De Gurre so i decided to use it as my alias here on wikipedia and on all the other wikisites like Wikinews, Wikimedia commons, Meta Wiki, Wikiversity, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikimedia Commons, wikispecies Wikiquote and on various other websites im on like Youtube. At the present time Im currently a student in sixth form. my main interests are History especially ancient, political, military, UK and Irish history, geography, politics and current affairs (This is my main interest), Computers, Science fiction, Reading (i particularly love reading the newspaper, The lord of the rings, Left Behind, and political and science fiction books) and different cultures, religions (im a practicing christian who believes that Atheism is ridiculous considering all the evidence to support there is a God) and Languages. I am also interested in the beautiful game of football i am a Liverpool FC fan hoping they win the league again eventually. Hopefully soon these Boardroom problems will be sorted out and every one will be behind Rafa and the boys. My favourate players are Steven gerrard, Fernando Torres, Javier Mascherano, Steve Finnan and Jamie Carragher. Television wise i love programs on political debate like prime ministers question time and question time, i love cartoons and i also like the News and documentaries and also im a lover of Doctor who (My favourite Incarnations of the doctor are those played by Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker) and My favourite movies are Star wars and The Lord of the rings.

[edit] About myself, My background and were i come from

I come from a working class background and live in and have been raised all my life in my hometown of Bootle but was born in Fazakerley both of which are districts in the city of Liverpool (though Bootle is administered separately by Sefton council for local government purposes Bootle is part of the Liverpool Urban Area) in the United kingdom so i am proud to be called a Scouser and laugh in the face of those who think it is a pejorative for robbing and being a scaly and is something to be ashamed of because it just shows how little they know about this great city, its culture, its history and its people. I am of multiple ancestries with ancestors from Holyhead in Wales, Argentina, England, and Finland on my mothers side. I am of Irish blood on my fathers side. my ancestors came from a small cottage on a farm in the village of Killean just outside Newry, County Armagh, Northern Ireland which me and my family go to every summer. as such i have been raised to be fiercely proud of my heritage and Ireland is very close to my heart i am proud to be descended from the Gaels, i love Irish culture and Irish music. I am fiercely proud of my background and mine and my family's history.

[edit] My political opinions and views

I have a Vast interest in politics, my Father and my Uncle are big reasons for that, they were strongly involved in Trade unions during Margaret thatchers years as was my mother and each is a member of the Labour party. I myself am going to join Labour in the near future hopefully on my 17th birthday and i am glad i will soon be able to vote in time to help them hopefully win the general election in 2010 and a fourth term in office. and my uncle also has strong links with sinn fein the Irish nationalist party cos of my family's strong Irish connections. so obviously i am politically a Left-wing, Socialist, and a strong supporter of the Labour party and trade unions and i support the current system in Britain of a Unitary state with a parliamentary democracy with political powers devolved to the constituant Nations of the United kingdom and local councils as i believe this is the best way to bring democracy to the people and gives them greater representation and a greater say in things and the best way to deliver services to them. and i also believe in a republican system of government with an elected head of state which is sadly lacking in Britain. Economically i support a socialist orientated Market were the economy and business are owned by the people. and i support an organized private sector committed to serving the people and not committed to individual profit and exploitation. I believe that the interests of the people and society as a whole are more important than that of the individual. These reasons that i have mentioned above are why i am a virulent opponent of David Cameron and his Conservatives (and any other right-wing parties like the Overtly fascist British National Party and the Anti-European UKIP) Who i believe are trying to fool people into believing that they are different and have changed even though they still want to follow on with their traditional agenda of Thatcherism and privatization and use the powerful Right-Wing press and media to scaremonger people into voting for them by saying things like there are to many immigrants or criticizing the European Union or saying Prime minister Gordon Brown is an unelected leader even though it is the party that is elected to power not an individual and a party can change its leader through terms anytime they want to (The Conservatives did it with John Major) These Tactics i believe are simply designed to undermine the Labour party and the good work it has done like improving the NHS (Which labour created) drastically, the minimum wage for workers, presiding over the greatest economic growth in Britain's history and the lowest period of sustained inflation, the lowest amount of unemployment in our history and the highest ever rate of employment, the creation of a welfare state were the poorest pay the least taxes and the richest pay the highest and the taxes are invested in the community so that people who are out of a job can have a financial footing to start again and the poorest dont have to live in utter poverty, giving Scotland and Wales a form of self-government and creating an elected assembly for London and giving the people a greater say and solving the problems of northern Ireland by sitting down at the table with Irish nationalists and giving them an equal say with unionists in how the province is run something the conservatives refused to do, and improving education by pumping money into it and doubling the amount spent on children and forming the Open university giving everybody a chance to learn and better their lives and reducing crime by nearly 65 percent. All these things it has achieved since it became the government in 1997 and throughout its history, and also I believe this is the reason why the Right-wing are higher in the opinion polls at the moment because they certainly haven't brought out any new policies. plus also because of the scrapping of the 10p tax rate which Gordon brown has already addressed giving over 3 billion pounds to help those affected by it, and the economic slowdown caused by the Credit crunch. Overall Labour Need to maintain its sound economic and social policies and continue to help Britain through the global economic downturn And start to begin to expose the Conservative party and other right-wing parties for what they really are Scaremongers, privitisers and racists willing to exploit the common man and his fears for votes to try and get into office which i hope they wont because i have read and learned about what the conservatives did to this country between 1979 and 1997 the NHS was on its knees, privitization was rampant, they stripped trade unions of their democratic rights, unemployment was at 3 million people, their refusal to talk to the Irish nationalists caused absolute bloody murder in ulster, and my city, Liverpool, and my home town Bootle crumbled because of them cause they closed the docks, sacked the workers and gave shipping rights to foreign, private companies somewhere else for cheaper prices and refused to invest in this city something labor have done with the brand new Echo Arena and other new buildings springing up all over the place and the general improvement in our lives which i think is being repeated nationally in other cities and towns across the country and i for one wish to see this continue. These reasons are why my family and me have always opposed the conservative party and supported Labour and why they got up and tried to do something about the problems of the thatcher years, its what my father and uncle did during that time and reading about the abject suffering and agony of the working class that has inspired me to get involved in politics because i never want to see that suffering repeated again and i want to be a representative of the people and help my area, Bootle (which has been chronically under invested in by the Conservative-Liberal democrat run Sefton council and the National Conservative government beforehand) and the city and country that i love and i personally hope they are never recked again by the reckless and rubbish policies of the conservative party who are willing to reduce ordinary working people to poverty for the sake of their own relentless greed.

I Firmly believe in the Values of Democratic socialism, Social democracy(it maintains an organised private sector with injustices removed), equality and Social justice and i empathise and and agree with some of the views of Communism aslong as its the Truly democratic dictatorship of the proletariat form Karl marx, Lenin and Leon trotsky wanted it to be and not the control freak dictatorships of joseph stalin and Kim Jong-il who nearly ruined its credibility as an ideology of the people. i believe all these political theory's Strive to bring financial and social equality, financial Stability and better standards of living for all people of all classes and races because they believe that property and the distribution of wealth Should be subject to control by the community and believe in the collective ownership of the means of production and seek to establish a classless, equal, democratic society free from social, racial and financial prejudice and injustice and one class dominating over the other because of race or wealth and growing rich off of them and exploiting them for personal gain. unlike Right-wing views which i am bitterly opposed to but i have learned to respect people who believe in these views because i think to respect other peoples views is important in a modern, healthy democracy like Conservatism, Capitalism (i believe it should be reformed and become more organized with the social injustice removed like in Social democracy which i would prefer or abolished completely like in communism because unfettered, unorganized capitalism is just exploitation of the people and should not take place at the rate it goes at now and i believe it is unfettered capitalism that is causing the global economic slump at this moment in time), Corporatism, Monarchism (the lord God and Jesus Christ are the only ones i would ever Bow to) and the down right evil Far right philosophies of Fascism, Neo-Fascism and Nazism, Neo-Nazism and Supremacism (I am bitterly opposed to Racism in any form and the notion that a person is superior because of his ethnicity, nationality or religion). I believe these ideologies exist to keep the class system going so that the rich do get richer and the poor get poorer and are easier to control.

Although the Right-wing emphasise individual liberty which is a good thing which i to also believe in also advocate that individuals are more important than society as a whole which i believe is a very selfish point of view and gives single individuals great power to control and rule over society and business, they fail to recognise that although individuals are important communities are even more so and should work for the benefit of the community and the people not for singular individual greed or gain. some on the extreme right advocate dividing society on the means of an individual Class Or Race of People or Religion or Nationality and most advocate making our economy completely independent and private because they believe that property and the distribution of wealth Should be subject to control by individuals and believe in singular ownership of the means of production which i think is grossly obscene and greedy and allows a minority to control wealth and grow filthy rich off of it without giving anything to the majority who suffer because of it even though they work very hard for it. Although i understand that some companies should and need to be independant (For example the Bank of England to keep inflation low) making everyone independant would give big corporations the power to run our lives and give the normal people no say on how we work or how we should be treated or how much we get paid. And also making every corporation economically independent causes economic instability. I personally Believe that Companies whether Private or state owned Should work for the benefit of the people or the community not for the sake of individual profit or financial greed that they work for at the moment and as i have stated would agree with an organised private sector that did this. also the right-wing try to uphold archaic systems of government like monarchy's for the sake of tradition which i believe is just to simply keep the masses down. These are ideologies i believe are very unequal and only benefit the wealthy and those that consider themselves Racially or religiously pure and ignore the Ordinary common people and Racial and religious minorities. No Race or religion of people and people who are Richer than the rest of us have no right to dominate over those they consider Racially or religiously inferior or those that are poorer than themselves, every person regardless of race or class should have the right to have a say on how we live and how we govern our world and even those on the political right would agree with that statement.

[edit] What i have Achieved on Wikipedia and what i want to achieve and my Wikipedia beliefs

Im here on wikipedia because I want to help people and help the world become a better place by expanding knowledge by my editing so far i have created The Other Light and Marla faith articles and have added to articles about Languages (particularly the Albanian language), Countries (added info to Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Bhutan, Kosovo and vastly improved the Yugoslavia page. History, Religion (The Other Light and Marla faith articles) and politics (i have Added more about Silvio Berlusconi and have added to Articles on political parties, particularly socialist ones though i add to any article about any party of any ideology because of my vast interest in the subject. i hope to add more to this list soon and i also hope to learn a few things myself and want to contribute to the greatest online encyclopedia on the Internet. Being a socialist i believe in a strong sense of community and equality and on Wikipedia i believe it should be no different, the edits of a university student or an academic should not be considered better than the edits of someone with only a basic education simply because they are considered smarter. Both should be considered an equally valid contribution to the Wikipedia cause and if there is a disagreement then it should be up to the Wikipedia community to decide democratically what they want to do with an edit to an article, because we should all work together for the good of the Wikipedia cause to provide knowledge to the world and to make the encyclopaedia better and not get caught up with our individual aims and ambitions and to destroy those Vandals that constantly seek to ruin our hard work and overall in the end there is one thing we all agree on we firmly believe in the Wikipedia doctorine that knowledge should always be free and that everybody has a right to it! no one should ever have to pay for it.

[edit] Things to do

Create article Portugal under Salazar

mention more in my user page about my personall background and my religious thoughts and who i admire.

[edit] My Userboxes containing WikiProjects im apart of and more of my views, Likes and dislikes

en This user is a native speaker of English.
ga-1 bun-Ghaeilge ag an úsáideoir seo.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
Search user languages
This user is a member of the WikiProject Languages.
... This user would like to know all existing languages.
This user is interested in Linguistics.
day Today is Thursday.
Today is June 12, 2008 19:34:54, according to server's time and date.
This user's time zone is GMT.
This user lives in the United Kingdom.
This user is proud to be from Liverpool.
This user is of multiple ancestries.
This user is of Irish and British ancestry.
This user is of Irish ancestry.

This user is of English ancestry
This user is of Welsh ancestry.
This user is of Argentine ancestry.
This user is of finnish ancestry.
Gael This person is proud of the blood of the ancient Gaelic clanna which flows through their veins, and is a modern Gael.
This user is male.
16 This user is 16 years old.
teen This user is a teenager, not a stereotype.
A.S. This user has
Asperger syndrome.
ADD This user has ADD.
This user is a Leo.
Logo This user loves knowledge.
This user considers himself self-educated.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is interested in political science.
This user is interested in elections.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user supports Parliamentary democracy as opposed to Presidential dictatorships.
This user advocates democracy.
This user is a member of WikiProject Politics.
S+PΦ This user is a member of the Social and political philosophy task force.

This user is a member of WikiProject Politics of the United Kingdom.

This user is a member of Wikiproject Elections and Referenda.
This user is a member of the Marxism task force.

This user is part of the Organized Labour Project.
This user identifies as a Leftist.
This user is a Socialist.
This user is a Social Democrat.
This user identifies politically with Democratic socialism and Social democracy and agrees with some of the views of Communism.
Lab This user
supports the
Labour Party.
This user believes that communism is an ideal system of government, in theory.

This user believes that capitalism is an inherently unjust system, and that humans can do better.
This user wants to TAX THE RICH to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone.
$ £
¥ €
This user supports the policies and views of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
This user supports the policies and views of Keir Hardie.
This user supports the policies and views of Tony Blair.
This user supports the policies and views of Che Guevara.
This user supports the policies and views of Martin Luther King.
This user supports the policies and views of Michael Collins (Irish leader).
This user opposes the policies and views of Adolf Hitler.
This user opposes the policies and views of Slobadan Milosevic.
This user opposes the policies and views of Robert Mugabe.
This user opposes the policies and views of Margaret Thatcher.
This user opposes the policies and views of David Cameron.
This user opposes the policies and views of Nick Griffin.
This user opposes the policies and views of Conservative Party (UK).
This user opposes the policies and views of British National Party.
This user supports a United Irish Republic
This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
This user supports the independence of Palestine.
This user supports the Zionist movement.
This user supports the independence of Kosovo.
This user supports the independence of Tibet.
This user supports a free Burma.

This user believes that Nationalism is good for culture but bad for politics.
This user is against Monarchy.

This user opposes the use of capital punishment.

This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user believes a marriage consists only of one man and one woman.
This user supports the troops in Iraq.
This user is highly against nazism.
This user doesn't like fascists.
This user supports devolution of powers to the nations of the UK.
This user supports the United Nations.
This user supports the European Union.

This user is for the Euro, but not for use in the United Kingdom.
This user is interested in history research.
This user is a member of the
WikiProject History
This user is a history buff.
This user is interested in World War I and World War II.

This user is interested in the history of the Cold War.
This user is interested in the Vietnam War.

This user is interested in the History of the Balkans.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in ancient Egypt.
This user is interested in Ancient Greece.
This user is interested in Ancient Iranian Civilization
This user is interested in ancient Rome.
This user is interested in the Byzantine Empire
This user is interested in the Ottoman Empire
This user is interested in Chinese history.
This user is interested in the  British Empire.  
Image:IrishHistory.png This user is interested in Irish history
This user is interested in the ancient Celts.
This user is interested in his or her family history.
This user is interested in religion.
This user is a member of WikiProject Religion.
This user is interested in Christianity.
This user is interested in Islam.
This user is interested in Hinduism.
This user is interested in Judaism.
This user is interested in Buddhism.
This user is a Christian
This user is saved!
Image:GSE-EGS.png This user believes GOD saves everyone - including YOU!
This user loves Jesus Christ.

This user believes that Jesus is the only true Monarch of a Christian State
This user believes in God.
This user supports the Reconciliation of the Churches.
This user believes the world is a happier, safer and saner place because of religion.
This user feels that every man or woman should be treated with dignity, whatever their sexual orientation. However, he understands that the homosexual lifestyle is sinful and is contrary to the Scriptures.
This user accepts all Religious and Scientific claims as viable forms of explaining the Universe, but just thinks they are at different levels of Understanding
respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user is interested in astronomy.
This user is part of the Geography Wikiproject
This user is interested in maps.
This user studies national anthems
This user is addicted to traveling.
This user is interested in flags and emblems.
This user is interested in geopolitics.
This user loves using Google Earth.
This user is a member of the
Countries Wikiproject.
This user is a member of WikiProject Southeast Asia
This user is a member of WikiProject Myanmar (Burma).

This user is a member of WikiProject Indonesia
This user is a member of WikiProject Brunei.
This user is a member of WikiProject Malaysia
This user is a member of WikiProject Central Asia.
This user is a member of WikiProject China
Wikiproject Hong Kong
This user is a member of Wikiproject Hong Kong.
This user is a member of Wikiproject Macau.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Korea.
This user is a member of the Taiwan WikiProject.
This user is a member of WikiProject Europe.
This user is a member of WikiProject Armenia.
This user participates in
WikiProject Former Yugoslavia.
Macedonia This user is a member of WikiProject Republic of Macedonia.

This user is a member of Taskforce Albania.
This user is a member of Wikiproject Kosovo.
This user is interested in computers
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows .
This user uses Windows Live Messenger and his/her e-mail address is
This user's internet service provider is Virgin Media.
BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
Fx This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
XP This user uses Windows XP.
This user enjoys cooking.
This user is an omnivore.
This user eats cheese.
This user eats apples.
This user eats bananas.
This user really really likes a lot of red pepper.
This user eats fish.
This user likes waffles.
This user eats chili.
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user would likely die without eating the occasional curry.
This user eats chicken.
This user loves bacon!
This user loves to eat beef.
This user eats ham.
This user loves sausages.
This user loves Yorkshire pudding.
This user loves Toad in the hole.
This user loves pancakes.
This user loves pasta.
This user loves döner kebab.
This user eats potatoes.
This user eats Crisps.
This user eats chocolate.
This user enjoys muffins.
This user loves cake.
This user would rather drink tea than coffee.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user drinks orange juice.
This user drinks water regularly.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
This user is a fan of
The Lord of the Rings.
Left Behind This User is a Huge fan of the Left Behind Series
This user is a fan of the Dragon Ball franchise.
SCI FI This user loves Science Fiction
This user is a Star Wars fan.
This user is a Doctor Who fan.
DW This user is a Time Lord
This user is a member of WikiProject Doctor Who.
Dr. Who This user has been a Doctor Who fan since the Ninth Doctor. 9th
Dr. Who "I say...would you like a Jelly Baby?"
This user loves Football
Football This user is a member of WikiProject Football.

This user is a fan of English football.
This user supports
Liverpool Football Club
You'll Never Walk Alone
This user supports justice
for the families of the
Hillsborough disaster
Editing Wikipedia is something this user does as a hobby.
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
This user has been a member of Wikipedia since 12th July 2007 at 15:40pm.
This user is overly addicted to Wikipedia
wiki-3 This user is an advanced Wikipedia editor.
This editor is an Apprentice Editor, and is entitled to display this Service Badge.
This user is not a Wikipedia administrator, but would like to be one someday.
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user cleans up vandalism.
This user maintains a policy of mass annihilation for vandals
This user owns one or more dogs.