Government of Colombia

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The Government of Colombia is according to the Colombian Constitution of 1991 within the framework of a welfare state and unitary republic, led by the President of Colombia. The President is also the head the executive branch of power, which along the legislative branch, judicial branch and the control and electoral branches of power constitute the government of Colombia. The Congress of Colombia is the maximum representative of the legislative branch while the Supreme Court of Colombia represents the judicial branch. In the control institutions the Inspector General of Colombia is the head of this branch in charge of overseeing the functioning of the Colombian state according to the constitution.

[edit] Executive

Casa de Nariño, the presidential palace in Bogotá houses the President of Colombia and maximum representative of the Executive Branch of Colombia.
Casa de Nariño, the presidential palace in Bogotá houses the President of Colombia and maximum representative of the Executive Branch of Colombia.

The executive branch of power in Colombia is headed by the President of the republic. He is supported by the Vice President of Colombia, the ministries of Colombia and Administrative Departments of Colombia. The government is in charge of creating and developing politics intended to develop the country.

[edit] Executive at Regional Level

At the sub-level of the executive branch of Colombia the governors of the Departments of Colombia are elected through popular vote to represent the president and the executive branch of government at a provincial level.

Majors are subsequent to the governors, as maximum representatives of the executive branch of government at a municipal level. Majors are also elected in regional elections along governors of departments.

The corregidor is the lowest level of representation of the executive and are present in Corregimientos or small villages jurisdictions within a municipality, these are also elected by popular vote in regional elections.

[edit] External links
