Gotthard Graubner

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Gotthard Graubner
Born June 13, 1930(1930-06-13)
Saxony, Germany
Field Painter

Gotthard Graubner (13 June 1930) is an important contemporary German painter. His work Black Skin was selected as one of the 100 Great Paintings program by the BBC in 1980.


[edit] Time Line

1930 Born in Erlbach (Saxony, Germany)
1947 - 1948 Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Berlin, (West Germany)
1948 - 1949 Studied at the Academy of Arts, Dresden
1954 Left East Germany
1954 - 1959 Study at the Academy of Arts,Dusseldorf
1965 Appointment at the Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg
1969 Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg
1988 Paintings ordered by Federal President of Germany
1976 - 1992 Professor at the Academy of Arts, Dusseldorf
1996 - now Member of Saxon Academy of Arts, Dresden

[edit] Style

Gotthard Braubner is an artist characterized by his unique philosophy and usage of colour in is work. He began develops his own style since 1955. Before that, his work is characterized by using colour sparingly in shapes and edges of the canvas. In between 1955 and 1957, Graubner experiment different approaches towards colour. He experiment on watercolour and later canvas. Instead of focusing on geometric colour shapes, he focused in using colour lavishly. In the 1960s, Braubner began to create works which he mounted picture-size colour cushions in his pictures and later cover them over with Perlon fabric. This was an attempt to enhance spatial effect of colour surfaces. These were later displayed at Alfred Schmela's gallery in Dseldorf. Braubner's style was never interrupt by the current style or trends. He developed his own style of having colour be the medium of the work itself. It allows his work independent of connection to any kind of representation or theme. His earlier concept of colour's depth continued to evolve in his work.

[edit] List of Special Works

1960s 'Kissenbilfer(Cushion Pictures)

1970 Fog Space

1988 commissioned to draw two large art work for Schloss Bellevue, Berlin (the seat of the president of the Federal Republic)

[edit] Awards

He was awarded the August Macke Prize of the City of Meschede and North German art Prize in 1988. In 2001, he was rewarded the Otto Ritschl Prize. His work was shown at the Wiesbaden Museum.

[edit] Source

Ketterer Kunst Website

The Art World Online - Gotthard Graubner

Gotthard Graubner Biography