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The following was taken from my journal explaining my history, it may at times seem like it's aimed at the wrong audience but disregard that. I may fix it up later on.
Throughout the document SA means SheezyArt and DA means deviantART
[edit] Internet/Art History
Well we'll start from the top, back in 2000 I first got the net, dialup of course. Back then art wasn't my thing and I used the net for gaming or looking up cheats . Then I can't remember what or how it happened but I found deviantart *shudders*. I signed up there and started making some preeetty crappy art (I'd show you some of it but DA removed it due to copyright problems, you can check out my [DA gallery] to see what I was making in 2003 though).
For 2 or so years I was making wallpapers and each and everyone of them were deleted by DA, no duh. I then tried to make my own art but failed. Of which I then gave up for a while. In 2004 I made my very first AMV, special effects done in animation shop 3. Also around this time I got my first look at some isometric pixel art, I loved the whole look of it and being able to design what you want, and even make it look like it was living.
So I started on my official first pixel art piece (yes that's right, i've come clean, my first pixel art piece is really my second, although long time inbetween making both of them and during that break I didn't practice)
Really crappy i'll assure you, and that was made in microsoft paint. But anyway when I was in the mood once I again I tried much harder and ended up creating what is my unoffical first pixel art scene.
No tutorials used by the way. I was happy with the result and started doing lots of pixel art pictures, I kept doing this up until and past October 2004, when I signed up to SA (I learned about SA from a real life friend who was also on DA). My first and only submission on SA was my unoffical pixel art scene. I wasn't too bothered with SA back then and in fact didn't return to SA until 2-3 months later. Of which I recieved an email from [Spencer] about how much he liked my pixel art, when I returned to my SA page I was amazed that there were comments and I think even favs on my submission (I didn't get many comments/favs on DA). That made me want to stay at SA more than DA right then. So I stay on SA as well as DA. Around December overides came in and I became more known from creating the good ol' [overides tutorial].
Most of you probably still remember what my art was like around January 2005, it was pretty crap, come on admit it . This was when the craptacular web comic was made, World Of Tessa (later changed to Cilennia). Anyway a month or so later I decided to fully move over to SA cause DA was becoming uninteresting for me. And also around this time I became a moderator, few days later I was high moderator hehe, but anyways it was an interesting week.
In Feburary, it got to me that pixel art for me was getting repetative so I decided to try my hand at drawing. Read a few tutorals and started. You all should remember how they turned out, if not check my gallery.
And then towards March I started using flash. Crappy results to begin with but now, well you know. I actually did try to use flash 3 years before this but I found I could never remember how to do something and would always have to do the tutorials.
In March World of Cilennia meet it's death. Will it ever be resurrected? Knowing my track record, Nope NEVER EVER =(
March through to May was time for a few AMVs and a lot more drawing. Then I decided to return to pixel art. Surprisingly I did better at pixel art after 5 months of inactivity and no practice O_o, yes i'm odd.
Around September, what happened? I became a Manager of SheezyArt, quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me.
And from then up until now it's been a mixture of drawing, flash and pixel art. However at the moment it's more pixel art and I plan for it to stay that way.
So what does the future hold, no one's knows, for one I know however my ability to stop projects half way won't ever leave me. Here's hoping SA is here for the long run though.
[edit] Your name makes no sense
Now maybe a question a few of you have asked yourselves, wtf is with your name it makes no sense?
Well it all happened at band camp... oh wait wrong story. Um it all happened back when I first got the net. Back then I got the net for Tribes, if any of you remember that game. Well anyway I had to think of a name, and I stink with names so pretty much I was searching the net for Tribes groups and found one of the member's names, it was Goro (omg I stolez it). After seeing that I quickly registered it on Tribes . So yeah any ideas of me taking that name from Goro in Mortal Kombat are wrong.
But that's not all of my username is it. So where'd the Unreal part come from? Simple I tried to signup for a hotmail account with Goro and obviously it was taken. So after a quick look around my room I saw my copy of Unreal the game. I think that explains it from there Put 2 and 2 together and you get GoroUnreal.
[edit] Where can I find you?
DeviantArt (I hardly use this anymore)