Goering's Green Folder

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In the Nuremberg Trials there was a document referred to as the "Green Folder" of Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring. This was the master policy directive for the economic exploitation of the conquered Soviet Union. The implications of this document was the death by starvation of millions of Slavic people, something that partially came to pass in the Holocaust, the neglect of Soviet soldiers captured by the Nazis which led to huge mortality rates, and the general expropriation of food in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union. It is also referred to as Document of the Soviet Prosecution, Exhibit USSR 10.

[edit] Background

The philosophy expoused by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf argues for the expansion of the Germans into eastern lands held by the Slavs, referring to these lands as Lebensraum.

[edit] See also

[edit] References
