Gods and Fighting Men

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Gods and Fighting Men - The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland is a collection of tales collated by Lady Augusta Gregory. The book is split into two sections, covering the Irish Mythological Cycle of the Book of Invasions with the coming of the Tuatha De Danaan, whist the second section details the later hero tales of Finn MacCumhail, the Fenian Cycle.

First published in 1904, Lady Gregory drew upon a number of published and oral sources to create her version, including Eugene O'Curry's Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, the Annals of the Four Masters and the Book of Leinster.


[edit] Contents

[edit] Part I. The Gods

 Book I. The Coming of the Tuatha de Danaan
   Chap.    I. The Fight with the Firbolgs
           II. The Reign of Bres
 Book II. Lugh of the Long Hand
   Chap.    I. The Coming of Lugh
           II. The Sons of Tuireann
          III. The Great Battle of Magh Tuireadh
           IV. The Hidden House of Lugh
 Book III. The Coming of the Gael
   Chap.    I. The Landing
           II. The Battle of Tailltin
 Book IV. The Ever-Living Living Ones
   Chap.    I. Bodb Dearg
           II. The Dagda
          III. Angus Og
           IV. The Morrigu
            V. Aine
           VI. Aoibhell
          VII. Midhir and Etain
         VIII. Manannan
           IX. Manannan at play
            X. His Call to Bran
           XI. His Three Calls to Cormac
          XII. Cliodna's Wave
         XIII. His Call to Connla
          XIV. Tadg in Manannan's Islands
       XV. Laegaire in the Happy Plain
 Book V. The Fate of The Children of Lir

[edit] Part II. The Fianna

 Book I. Finn, Son of Cumhal
   Chap.   I. The Coming of Finn
          II. Finn's Household
         III. Birth of Bran
          IV. Oisin's Mother
           V. The Best Men of the Fianna
 Book II. Finn's Helpers
   Chap.   I. The Lad of the Skins
          II. Black, Brown, and Grey
         III. The Hound
          IV. Red Ridge
 Book III. The Battle of the White Strand
   Chap.    I. The Enemies of Ireland
           II. Cael and Credhe
          III. Conn Crither
           IV. Glas, Son of Dremen
            V. The Help of the Men of Dea
           VI. The March of the Fianna
          VII. The First Fighters
         VIII. The King of Ulster's Son
           IX. The High King's Son
            X. The King of Lochlann and his Sons
           XI. Labran's Journey
          XII. The Great Fight
         XIII. Credhe's Lament
 Book IV. Huntings and Enchantments
   Chap.     I. The King of Britain's Son
            II. The Cave of Ceiscoran
           III. Donn, Son of Midhir
            IV. The Hospitality of Cuanna's House
             V. Cat-Heads and Dog-Heads
            VI. Lomna's Head
           VII. Ilbrec of Ess Ruadh
          VIII. The Cave of Cruachan
            IX. The Wedding at Ceann Slieve
             X. The Shadowy One
            XI. Finn's Madness
           XII. The Red Woman
          XIII. Finn and the Phantoms
           XIV. The Pigs of Angus
            XV. The Hunt of Slieve Cuilinn
 Book V. Oisin's Children
 Book VI. Diarmuid
   Chap.     I. Birth of Diarmuid
            II. How Diarmuid got his Love-Spot
           III. The Daughter of King Under-Wave
            IV. The Hard Servant
             V. The House of the Quicken Trees
 Book VII. Diarmuid and Grania
   Chap.     I. The Flight from Teamhair
            II. The Pursuit
           III. The Green Champions
            IV. The Wood of Dubhros
             V. The Quarrel
            VI. The Wanderers
           VII. Fighting and Peace
          VIII. The Boar of Beinn Gulbain
 Book VIII. Cnoc-an-Air
   Chap.    I. Tailc, Son of Treon
           II. Meargach's Wife
          III. Ailne's Revenge
 Book IX. The Wearing Away of the Fianna
   Chap.    I. The Quarrel with the Sons of Morna
           II. Death of Goll
          III. The Battle of Gabhra
 Book X. The End of the Fianna
   Chap.    I. Death of Bran
           II. The Call of Oisin
          III. The Last of the Great Men
 Book XI. Oisin and Patrick
   Chap.    I. Oisin's Story
           II. Oisin in Patrick's House
          III. The Arguments
           IV. Oisin's Laments

[edit] External links