Godkin Lectures

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The Edwin L. Godkin Lecture is an annual lecture hosted by Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

The lecture series was found in 1903 and named in honor of Edwin L. Godkin, the famous Irish-American journalist who founded The Nation.

[edit] References

"The Democratic Mistake: Godkin Lectures of 1909", Arthur George Sedgwick, [1]

"Problems of Today", Moorfield Storey, Godkin Lectures of 1920, [2]

"Theory and Practice in Politics", Robert Moses, Godkin Lectures of 1939 [3]

"Ethics in Government", Paul Douglas, Godkin Lectures of 1952

"Uses of the University", Clark Kerr, Godkin Lectures of 1963

"New Dimensions of Political Economy", Walter Heller, Godkin Lectures of 1966

"Family and Nation", Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Godkin Lectures of 1985