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This user is a human soul or spirit, and maybe even both.
This user is an ageless Immortal.
This user is proud to be Aryan and is extremely pissed off that fascists and Nazis give the Aryan race and its spiritual heritage a bad name.
This user is a Christian.
This user is a Pagan.
This user believes in Gnosticism.
This user is interested in Ásatrú.
This user is interested in Hinduism.
This user is interested in Wicca.
This user is interested in religion as an anthropological and historical phenomenon.
This user is interested in religion as a metaphysical or theological phenomenon.
dys This user is interested in dystheism.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in physical anthropology
This user is interested in Paleontology.
This user sees no problem in the idea of a higher power(s) creating human beings through biological evolution.
This user is probably too radical for anarchism.
This user has learned from feminism.
This user is a masculist.
mankind This user is gender inclusive in fact not words.
This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.
This user supports the peaceful reunification of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
This user supports a secular, single-territory solution for all indigenous people of Israel/Palestine.
This user supports the rights of all people to violently resist colonization and imperialism.
This user enjoys rock music.
This user enjoys indie rock.
This user enjoys heavy metal music.
This user is a Doctor Who fan.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
mer This editor is a mergist.

I live mostly in Derby, England. I am a Gnostic Christian by conviction, and have been ever since I read the debates between Simon Peter and Simon Magus in the Clementine literature and realised that Simon Magus got it right. No, I'm not a member of any secret societies. I'm a loner like many of my predecessors.

I'm also a sometime student of the biblical scholar Margaret Barker whose 'radically conservative' reinterpretation of Christian origins I broadly support. I have an abiding passion for comparative mythology and comparative religion, and my own spiritual odyssey through Hinduism, the Goddess scene, Wicca, Odinism, the Elim Pentecostal Church and Christian Identity (in roughly that order of succession) has led me to develop a generally positive interfaith outlook along with a particular fascination for unconventional religious movements and heterodox theologies.

Other interests include radical and fringe politics (particularly concepts with some imaginative power, like anarchism and third positionism, that refuse to fit the hackneyed old 'left' versus 'right' clichés); and anything connected in any way to Modern Human Origins research, including archaeology, paleoanthropology, archaeogenetics and comparative linguistics (especially the long-range hypotheses which connect language families that aren't generally supposed to be related).

I also keep a keen eye on developments in zoological, botanical, fungal and microbial taxonomy, though it's more of a hobby than a calling.


My editing policy

Wherever possible, respect the contributions of previous editors by writing 'around' them and not 'over' them.

What I've done for Wikipedia

[edit] Pages I've worked on

Some more or less substantial edits to the following articles (both logged-in and anonymous). Actually, a few of them somewhat less than substantial. It's a start.


Chukotko-Kamchatkan languagesEskimo-Aleut languagesNostratic languagesProto-Pontic languageUralo-Siberian languages

Music & literature

D. H. LawrenceStanley Road

Occult & politics (Well, do you know the difference?)

Anarchism and nationalismAriosophyArmanen runesMikhail BakuninAnton DrexlerEsoteric NazismEsotericism in Germany and AustriaGerman mysticismGermanische Glaubens-GemeinschaftRudolf John GorslebenRudolf HessRichard Hunt (editor)Jörg Lanz von LiebenfelsGuido von ListNational-AnarchismNazi occultismNazismNeopaganism in Germany and AustriaNeo-völkisch movementsSchutzstaffelGregor Schwartz-BostunitschRudolf von SebottendorfMiguel SerranoPeryt ShouTroy SouthgatePhilipp StauffSudeten German PartyThule SocietyVölkisch movementVrilFriedrich WannieckWhite Order of ThuleWoden's Folk

Zoology & taxonomy

AfroinsectiphiliaAfrosoricidaArchaeaAustralosphenidaBiological classificationCryptic species complexDinosaurDivision (biology)Domain (biology)Family (biology)FerungulataInsectivoraKingdom (biology)LanceletLegion (biology)† • Linnaean taxonomyList of chordate ordersMammalMammal classificationMetatheriaMonotremeMorganucodonNomenclature CodesOrder (biology)OrnithorhynchidaePaenungulataPederpesPhylogenetic nomenclaturePhylumPrototheriaRhizodontSpeciesSynapsidSystematicsTaxonomic rankTaxonomyTetrapodTherapsidaTribe (biology)Triconodonta


Anarcho-fascismArmanen-Orden‡ • Werner von Bülow‡ • Cercle de la rose noire‡ • Germanenorden‡ • Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail† • Guido von List Society‡ • High Armanen Order‡ • Lanz von Liebenfels‡ • National-Anarchist† • National anarchismNational Revolutionary Faction‡ • Order of the New Templars‡ • Rank (botany)‡ • Rank (zoology)‡ • Adolf Schleipfer‡ • Sigrun Schleipfer† • Sigrun von Schlichting† • Template:Taxanomic ranks‡ • Theozoology • Others (too many)

Anything else

Legion (disambiguation)NomenclatureOccultism and the far rightTemplate:AnarchismTemplate:ChordataTemplate:NazismTemplate:Taxonomic ranks† • Template:UK far right

† indicates pages I've created
‡ pages I've turned into redirects

[edit] Debates I've participated in

Opposed deletions of political and religious user categories: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Supported renaming theological user categories: 8

Successfully opposed deletion of article: 9

Talk page discussions: Anarchism and nationalism, Ariosophy, Armanen runes, Mikhail Bakunin, Domain (biology), Esoteric Nazism, Esotericism in Germany and Austria, Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft, Rudolf Hess, Insectivora, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, Linnaean taxonomy, List of chordate orders, Mammaliaformes, Mammal-like reptiles, Monotreme, National-Anarchism, National anarchism, Nazi occultism, Nazism, Neo-völkisch movements, Nostratic languages, Prototheria, Scientific classification, Miguel Serrano, Troy Southgate, Synapsid, Taxonomic rank, Template:Anarchism, Template:Nazism, Template:Taxobox, Template:UK far right, Thule Society, Triconodonta, Uralo-Siberian languages, Völkisch movement, Vril, White Order of Thule, Woden's Folk

[edit] Black Ram Group

Black Ram was an anarchist affinity group which was active in my home town in the early 80s and briefly published a zine of the same name. From 1978 to 1980 it could hold its meetings in a telephone box but in 1981-82 it put on a growth spurt, partly in response to the Falklands War, which it resolutely opposed. At the same time it began to advocate an anarcho-nationalist position, predicated on the distinction between state and nation, and between authentic folk-nationalism and the false patriotism whipped up by governing cliques. As far as I know, it was the first group to — almost casually — introduce the terms 'anarcho-nationalist' and 'national anarchist' (indiscriminately, though nowadays a distinction is drawn). It isn't notable enough to warrant its own article, but I have been pleased to get some information about this group on to Wikipedia, drawn from primary sources. I also created and uploaded an image of their anarcho-swastika emblem (the intention of which was to reclaim from the Nazis an ancient symbol that is sacred to many peoples).


My current all-time favourites are listed on Phaedriel's awesome Soundtrack of Wikipedians, which has re-acquainted me with stacks of songs I'd forgotten I liked.

I believe that one learns a great deal about a person, and can also understand his/her character and ideas better, if one gets to know "their" music...those songs that define their mood and character, those that make them daydream or feel better, those that bring them dear memories...or simply that music that they really like!


I confess to getting a taste for the weirder romantic comedies, mostly as relief from the dark, broody science fiction I would otherwise be watching. The following are top of my list of the superb and the memorable:

AlienAliensDesperately Seeking SusanDuneFar from the Madding CrowdLogan's RunOpen Your EyesSecretarySerendipityThe ShiningSilent RunningThe Wicker Man


There is an eternal vital correspondence between our blood and the sun: there is an eternal vital correspondence between our nerves and the moon....The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great gleaming nerve-centre from which we quiver forever....Now all this is literally true, as men knew in the great past, and as they will know again.

D. H. Lawrence, Apocalypse (artist, novelist and pagan)

Man will once more feel his unity with his fellows, he will feel his unity with the animals, with the mountains and the streams, with the earth itself and the slow lapse of the constellations, not as an abstract dogma of Science or Theology, but as a living and everpresent fact...The meaning of the old religions will come back to him. On the high tops once more gathering he will celebrate with naked dances the glory of the human form and the great procession of the stars, or greet the bright horn of the young moon which now, after a hundred centuries comes back laden with such wondrous associations - all the yearnings and the dreams and the wonderment of the generations of mankind - the worship of Astarte and of Diana, of Isis or the Virgin Mary.

[Gnosis] leads us to the endless and perfect end, teaching us beforehand the future life we shall lead, according to God and with gods....and they are called by the appellation of gods, being destined to sit on other thrones with the other gods that have first been put in their places by the Saviour.

Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies (Catholic Father and gnostic)

The Aryan spirit considers law to be evil and supports the rights of conscience.

Dunbar Heath, On the Great Race-Elements in Christianity (19th-century anthropologist)

The most genuine Aryans, those who are most Aryan and most sure of their Aryanism are not anti-Semites...on the other hand, in the aggressive anti-Semite one can always detect certain Jewish traits even when his blood is free from any Semitic strain.

Otto Weininger, Sex and Character (Jewish philosopher)

What the human being basically is, what his innermost secret, most inviolable possession is, that is the great community of living beings in him, that is his lineage, the commonality of his blood with that of all his ancestors.

Gustav Landauer (German-Jewish anarcho-nationalist revolutionary and völkisch mystic)

...and a poem
If moral virtue was Christianity
Christ's pretensions were all vanity
The moral Christian is the cause
Of the unbeliever and his laws
For what is Antichrist but those
Who against sinners heaven close?
He mock'd the sabbath and he mock'd
The sabbath's god and he unlock'd
The evil spirits from their shrines
And turned fishermen to divines
He scorned earth's parents, scorned earth's god
And mock'd the one and the other's rod
His seventy disciples sent
Against religion and government
He left his father's trade to roam
A wand'ring vagrant without home
And thus he others' labour stole
That he might live above control
The vision of Christ that thou dost see
Is my vision's greatest enemy
Thine has a great hook nose like thine
Mine has a snub nose like to mine
Thine is the friend of all mankind
Mine speaks in parables to the blind
Thine loves the same world that mine hates
Thy heaven doors are my hell gates
Both read the Bible day and night
But thou read'st black where I read white
He laid his hand on Moses' Law
The ancient heavens in silent awe
Writ with curses from pole to pole
All away began to roll
"Good and evil are no more
Sinai's trumpets cease to roar
To be good only is to be
A devil or else a Pharisee
Thou Angel of the Presence Divine
That didst create this body of mine
Wherefore has thou writ these laws
And created hell's dark jaws?
Tho' thou wast so pure and bright
That heaven was impure in thy sight
Tho' thy oath turn'd heaven pale
Tho' thy covenant built hell's jail
Tho' thou didst all to chaos roll
With the serpent for its soul
Still the Breath Divine does move
And the Breath Divine is Love"
Was Jesus humble or did he
Give any proofs of humility?
...he acts with triumphant, honest pride
And this is the reason Jesus died
If he had been Antichrist Creeping Jesus
He'd have done any thing to please us
Gone sneaking into the synagogues
And not used the elders and priests like dogs
But humble as a lamb or an ass
Obey himself to Caiaphas
God wants not man to humble himself
This is the trick of the Ancient Elf
Humble toward God, haughty toward man
This is the race that Jesus ran
Cursing the rulers before the people
Even to the Temple's highest steeple
I am sure this Jesus will not do
Either for Englishman or Jew
William Blake, The Everlasting Gospel


Work in progress...

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