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Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class)
Symbol(s) GNA11; GNA-11
External IDs OMIM: 139313 MGI95766 HomoloGene20474
RNA expression pattern

More reference expression data

Human Mouse
Entrez 2767 14672
Ensembl ENSG00000088256 ENSMUSG00000034781
Uniprot P29992 Q3UPA1
Refseq NM_002067 (mRNA)
NP_002058 (protein)
NM_010301 (mRNA)
NP_034431 (protein)
Location Chr 19: 3.05 - 3.07 Mb Chr 10: 80.93 - 80.95 Mb
Pubmed search [1] [2]

Guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class), also known as GNA11, is a human gene.[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

  • Wilkie TM, Gilbert DJ, Olsen AS, et al. (1993). "Evolution of the mammalian G protein alpha subunit multigene family.". Nat. Genet. 1 (2): 85–91. doi:10.1038/ng0592-85. PMID 1302014. 
  • Raymond JR, Mukhin YV, Gelasco A, et al. (2002). "Multiplicity of mechanisms of serotonin receptor signal transduction.". Pharmacol. Ther. 92 (2-3): 179–212. PMID 11916537. 
  • Jiang M, Pandey S, Tran VT, Fong HK (1991). "Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins in retinal pigment epithelial cells.". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88 (9): 3907–11. PMID 1902575. 
  • Thomas CP, Dunn MJ, Mattera R (1996). "Ca2+ signalling in K562 human erythroleukaemia cells: effect of dimethyl sulphoxide and role of G-proteins in thrombin- and thromboxane A2-activated pathways.". Biochem. J. 312 ( Pt 1): 151–8. PMID 7492305. 
  • Offermanns S, Simon MI (1995). "G alpha 15 and G alpha 16 couple a wide variety of receptors to phospholipase C.". J. Biol. Chem. 270 (25): 15175–80. PMID 7797501. 
  • Stanners J, Kabouridis PS, McGuire KL, Tsoukas CD (1996). "Interaction between G proteins and tyrosine kinases upon T cell receptor.CD3-mediated signaling.". J. Biol. Chem. 270 (51): 30635–42. PMID 8530500. 
  • Laugwitz KL, Allgeier A, Offermanns S, et al. (1996). "The human thyrotropin receptor: a heptahelical receptor capable of stimulating members of all four G protein families.". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93 (1): 116–20. PMID 8552586. 
  • Launay JM, Birraux G, Bondoux D, et al. (1996). "Ras involvement in signal transduction by the serotonin 5-HT2B receptor.". J. Biol. Chem. 271 (6): 3141–7. PMID 8621713. 
  • Johnson GJ, Leis LA, Dunlop PC (1996). "Specificity of G alpha q and G alpha 11 gene expression in platelets and erythrocytes. Expressions of cellular differentiation and species differences.". Biochem. J. 318 ( Pt 3): 1023–31. PMID 8836152. 
  • Kinsella BT, O'Mahony DJ, Fitzgerald GA (1997). "The human thromboxane A2 receptor alpha isoform (TP alpha) functionally couples to the G proteins Gq and G11 in vivo and is activated by the isoprostane 8-epi prostaglandin F2 alpha.". J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 281 (2): 957–64. PMID 9152406. 
  • Wise A, Parenti M, Milligan G (1997). "Interaction of the G-protein G11alpha with receptors and phosphoinositidase C: the contribution of G-protein palmitoylation and membrane association.". FEBS Lett. 407 (3): 257–60. PMID 9175863. 
  • Carrasco MP, Asbóth G, Phaneuf S, López Bernal A (1998). "Activation of the prostaglandin FP receptor in human granulosa cells.". J. Reprod. Fertil. 111 (2): 309–17. PMID 9462300. 
  • Qian A, Wang W, Sanborn BM (1998). "Evidence for the involvement of several intracellular domains in the coupling of oxytocin receptor to G alpha(q/11).". Cell. Signal. 10 (2): 101–5. PMID 9481484. 
  • Dulin NO, Sorokin A, Reed E, et al. (1999). "RGS3 inhibits G protein-mediated signaling via translocation to the membrane and binding to Galpha11.". Mol. Cell. Biol. 19 (1): 714–23. PMID 9858594. 
  • Hayes JS, Lawler OA, Walsh MT, Kinsella BT (1999). "The prostacyclin receptor is isoprenylated. Isoprenylation is required for efficient receptor-effector coupling.". J. Biol. Chem. 274 (34): 23707–18. PMID 10446129. 
  • Brydon L, Roka F, Petit L, et al. (2000). "Dual signaling of human Mel1a melatonin receptors via G(i2), G(i3), and G(q/11) proteins.". Mol. Endocrinol. 13 (12): 2025–38. PMID 10598579. 
  • Corbetta S, Mantovani G, Lania A, et al. (2000). "Calcium-sensing receptor expression and signalling in human parathyroid adenomas and primary hyperplasia.". Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf) 52 (3): 339–48. PMID 10718832. 
  • Shraga-Levine Z, Sokolovsky M (2000). "Functional coupling of G proteins to endothelin receptors is ligand and receptor subtype specific.". Cell. Mol. Neurobiol. 20 (3): 305–17. PMID 10789830. 
  • AbdAlla S, Lother H, Abdel-tawab AM, Quitterer U (2001). "The angiotensin II AT2 receptor is an AT1 receptor antagonist.". J. Biol. Chem. 276 (43): 39721–6. doi:10.1074/jbc.M105253200. PMID 11507095.