Global Carbon Project

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The Global Carbon Project (GCP) was established in 2001. The organisation seeks to quantify global carbon emissions and their causes [1].

The main object of the group has been to fully understand the carbon cycle. The project has brought together emissions experts and economists to tackle the problem of rising concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The Global Carbon Project works collaboratively with the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, the World Climate Programme, the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change and Diversitas, under the Earth Systems Science Partnership.

In late 2006 researchers from the project claimed that carbon dioxide emissions had dramatically increased to a rate of 3.2% annually from 2000. At the time, the chair of the group Dr Mike Raupach stated that "This is a very worrying sign. It indicates that recent efforts to reduce emissions have had virtually no impact on emissions growth and that effective caps are urgently needed,".[2]

Their projections have indicated that we can expect climatic conditions to occur under the IPCC's worst-case scenario, as CO2 emissions reach 500ppm sometime during the 21 st century.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ About the GCP. Retrieved on 23 May 2007.
  2. ^ Global growth in carbon emissions is 'out of control'. Steve Connor. Published on 11 November 2006. Retrieved on 23 May 2007.