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Glitterary is office-speak for excessive use of buzzwords, clichés, or catchy phrases in a body of work. Generally, a work is glitterary when these word and phrases are used as fluff in a generally pointless body of work. Resumes are usually perfect examples of a glitterary document.

Glitterary is a portmanteau of Glitter and Literary implying a liberal sprinkling of useless words and phase as someone would sprinkle glitter.

[edit] Examples of Glitterature

Web 2.0 websites are prime examples of uses of Glitterature. make extensive use of folksonomy by utilizing the power of the blogosphere. With the power of Ajax you will be able to think out side the box. This snippet does not say anything about the product but relies on the use of buzzwords to try to make the product appear appealing.

[edit] Sites with extensive use of Glitterature

[edit] External links