Glenda Farrell (One Tree Hill)

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Glenda Farrell
Portrayed by Amber Wallace
First appearance With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
(episode 3.16)
Created by Mark Schwahn
Age 22
Occupation Unknown

Glenda Farrell is a fictional character from The CW series One Tree Hill. Although a shy loner who dresses in Goth attire, Glenda has hidden reserves of compassion. She is portrayed by Amber Wallace.

Not me. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm going as far away as I can get and I'm gonna try and forget this place ever existed.
Glenda Farrell

[edit] Character history

[edit] Season 3

Glenda first appeared during the shooting at Tree Hill High. She was trying to get her Mother to worry about her by hiding so she would think Glenda was one of the hostages. She had told her mother that Brooke Davis was her friend, though Brooke didn't know her.

[edit] Season 4

Glenda later revealed to Brooke that Shelley Simon founded 'Clean Teens' to control her promiscuity, and that she had had an abortion.

During a school pairing assignment near the end of term, Glenda was paired with Lucas Scott. At that time, Lucas admitted had never been able to remember Glenda's surname. The two bonded, and over the course of the assignment, began to share their passions and secrets. Lucas asked Glenda to read the first draft of his work-in-progress, a novel dealing with the events of the Tree Hill Shooting. Glenda cemented their friendship by photographing Lucas in Goth clothes.

Glenda told Lucas about her relationship with her Mother. Glenda's Mother was popular and pretty in high school, and makes cruel jokes about her shy daughter, such as asking her why she can't lose weight. Glenda resorted to sending flowers and other gifts to herself, claiming they were sent by her boyfriend, and that she was thinking about having sex with him. In the car journey to the doctors for the Pill, Glenda had been expecting feminine wisdom about waiting for the right time. Instead, her Mother simply told Glenda to do as she wished - she didn't know what kind of boy would want to sleep with her anyway. Glenda replied that she didn't know what kind of man would have slept with her, either. Since then the two have barely spoken to each other. Lucas gave Glenda his work-in-progress while Glenda was preparing to drive off with her Mother.

Since then, Lucas and Glenda have formed an unlikely, if close, friendship. When Lucas's date, Peyton, didn't show up at the Prom, Lucas and Glenda spent it in each other's company. Glenda helped Lucas realise that he was blanking out the day of Keith's death for fear it would hurt the people he loved.
