Glen Querl

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Glen Querl (born 4 April 1988) in Masvingo. He is a Zimbabwean cricketer who played in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka. He was educated at Peterhouse Boys High School in Marondera, Zimbabwe and Harrow School between 2005 and 2007. He became a regular fixture in the school 1st XI for cricket opening the bowling and scoring runs heavily in the top five with the bat. He was an essential member of the Harrow School 1st XI which remarkably remained undeafeated between July 2004 until May 2007 when this run was finally borught to an end by Brighton College. These high class displays for Harrow and Zimbabwe caught the eye of Essex who selected him for 2nd XI trial games. This achievement was made all the more impressive by the fact Querl had battled back from a serious shoulder problem which he had sustained during late 2005. Added to this Querl is also a high class rackets and squash player regularly competing at Queen's Club for Harrow School while a pupil.