Glasgow University Student Television

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Glasgow University Student Television
Media Type: Television
Launched: 1964
Member of: NaSTA
University: University of Glasgow
Streaming Streamed to screens via the University computer network.
Online Video on Demand streaming and downloads
Union screenings Weekly screenings at the Queen Margaret Union

Glasgow University Student Television or GUST, is the student television station of the University of Glasgow. Founded in 1964[1], it was the first student TV station in the UK[2] and only the second worldwide.[3] The station is run entirely by students and produces a wide range of content, including news, drama, comedy and documentaries. Programmes are broadcast across the University of Glasgow campus, and the station has a potential viewership of 25,000 students and staff.[4]


[edit] History

When GUST was founded, programming consisted of a weekly one-hour show broadcast from the TV studio at University of Glasgow's media services department[5], a facility which GUST uses to this day. At the time, videotape technology was still in its infancy and was prohibitively expensive, so all content was broadcast live to televisions across campus via the university's RF cable network. In later years, the station switched to pre-recording one hours worth of programming, which was played on a loop from a U-Matic video deck.

Since around 2000, digital video equipment has allowed GUST to steadily increase its output, and the aging RF network has been retired. GUST now uses a mixture of different broadcast methods, including streaming over the university's computer network, downloads from the official website, a video podcast, and screenings at weekly events on campus.

GUST has enjoyed considerable success in national student television competitions, in particular the annual NaSTA awards, where it won the title of 'Best Broadcaster' for seven consecutive years between 1996 and 2002[6], as well as various other awards for individual programmes. However, in recent years it has failed to maintain its winning streak in the face of stiff competition from newer stations.

[edit] Programming

The content of GUST programmes has changed little over forty years, being a mix of news, music, film and comedy. Between two and three programmes are made a week. Each lasts twenty to thirty minutes and is produced by an elected contributor. Current programmes include:

  • GUST News, the only weekly show, featuring a mix of campus and national news.
  • G-Spot, a guide to student events in Glasgow.
  • Seven Suns, Seven Sounds, a music programme.
  • True Views, a film review programme.
  • Daft Thursday, a yearly four-hour live broadcast from the Queen Margaret Union.
  • Refreshed, a show produced daily during Fresher's Week.

[edit] Organisation

GUST is run by a team of around twelve editors, each responsible for one programme. They are headed by the 'top three' of station controller, head of programmes, and technical co-ordinator. The station has no official membership beyond the editorial team, and any matriculated student at the University of Glasgow is entitled to contribute. There are twenty to thirty regular contributors each academic year, who produce the bulk of GUST's output. The station is funded by the Glasgow University Students' Representative Council, but is editorially independent.

[edit] Notes and References

  1. ^ Jonathan Abraham (2006-02-27). Analysis: University TV Stations. The Independent. Retrieved on 2007-03-06.
  2. ^ NME Student Guide: Glasgow. NME. Retrieved on 2007-03-06.
  3. ^ Ithaca College Television in the United States was founded six years earlier in 1958. ICTV Handbook. ICTV Homepage. Retrieved on 2007-06-03.
  4. ^ University of Glasgow: Facts and Figures. University of Glasgow Official Website. Retrieved on 2007-04-06.
  5. ^ GUST Timeline. Retrieved on 2007-03-06.
  6. ^ GUST Timeline. Retrieved on 2007-03-06.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links