Glasgow University Dialectic Society

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Glasgow University Dialectic Society
Glasgow University Dialectic Society

The Glasgow University Dialectic Society, re-instituted in 1861, is a student society at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, committed to the promotion of debating, logic, ethics and literary discussion at the University.


[edit] Foundation

The date of the Society's foundation is contested. The earliest paper records of the Society are dated before 1770, and there are, moreover, mentions within the University records of a society existing and being open to students who took Logic, back when the University still resided within Glasgow Cathedral.

The Society was formally re-instituted in 1861.

[edit] Membership

The society is independent and open to all students of the University. However, it maintains strong links with debating at Glasgow University Union.

[edit] Management

The management of the society is entrusted to a Board elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board consists of a President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Whip Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Macer, Social Convenor, three Ordinary Members and two First Year Representatives. The President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary form the Executive. The current President is Richard Anderson.

Some quirks of the electoral procedure at the AGM are that posts are filled in descending order, allowing those who failed to win more important posts to stand for others, and that candidates must leave the room while a vote is taken on them.

The society at its AGM also elects an Honorary President, up to eight Honorary Vice-Presidents and up to four Honorary Life Members.

[edit] Activities

Regular activities include weekly lunchtime debates at the Glasgow University Union and training for new speakers.

The society organises three internal competitions: the Reftable, the Intra-Varsity and the Roderick F Neilson Memorial Debate.

Public debates, lectures and book launches are increasingly important, and the Society holds both an Annual Dinner and a New Members' Dinner, as well as a St Andrews-tide Football Game and a Sports Day, the Dialectic Olympics.

[edit] References

[edit] External links