Glasgow Hutchesons Aloysians RFC

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Full name Glasgow Hutchesons Aloysians Rugby Football Club
Founded 2002
Union Scottish Rugby Union
Location Glasgow, Scotland
President Flag of Scotland Alex Millar
Coach Roddy Moir
League Premiership Division One
Flag of Scotland

Glasgow Hutchesons Aloysians RFC, or more commonly GHA is a rugby union club established by the 2002 merger between Glasgow Southern RFC and Hutchesons' - Aloysians' RFC. The former club was originally known as Clarkston but was renamed in 1995 with the ambition of creating the premier side on the South Side of Glasgow. The latter club was also formed as the result of an earlier merger between the former pupils (FPs) clubs of Hutchesons' Grammar School and St. Aloysius' College. The merged club is now firmly established as the premier club on the south side of Glasgow.

The club plays its home matches at Braidholm, the historic home of Clarkston RFC in Giffnock on the south side of Glasgow. It is difficult for many in the Scottish Game to adjust to the change of name at Braidholm and often older hands in moments of emotion forget that the original Clarkston Club has disappeared from the scene. The histories of each of the three foundation clubs are recorded on a panel in the Braidholm Clubhouse. The amalgamation has been a great success with GHA achieving Premier One status for the second time in its short existence.
