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Glückshaus board
Glückshaus board
The title of this article contains the character Ü. Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Glueckshaus.

Glückshaus (House of Fortune) is a medieval gambling board game for multiple players, played with 2 dice.

[edit] Rules

The board is divided in fields numbered from 2 to 12 (with 4 often left out), arranged in the form of the rooms of a house. Each player rolls two dice.

  • On a roll other than 2, 4, 7 or 12, the player places a coin on the board if that field is empty, or takes the coin if it is occupied.
  • If the player rolls snake eyes, he has rolled "the Pig" and collects all the coins except for what lies on the seven.
  • If the player rolls a 12, he is "the king" (König) and wins all the coins on the board.
  • If one rolls a 7, it is a "marriage" (Hochzeit), and one has to put a coin on the square no matter what (a dowry). This builds up a jackpot until the "king" (12) is rolled.
  • If playing on a board with a 4, on rolling it, either nothing happens, or a rule defined before comes into force (for example a coin is given to the board owner).

The game ends when one player has won all the coins.

[edit] External links
