Gjuro Pilar

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Gjuro Pilar
Gjuro Pilar

Gjuro Pilar (also Đuro Pilar) ( 22 April 1846 in Slavonski Brod; 19 May 1893 in Zagreb) was an Austro-Hungarian Geologist and Mineralogist.

[edit] Biography

Pilar had, with his mother (Therese Čulić of Derventa), a strong family relationship to Bosnia.

His training was very extensive. The first training he received was at Esseg, Zagreb, and Osijek. Later, he studied at the University of Brussels (from 1865, Natural Sciences), the Sorbonne (from 1869), and the École de Chimie (1869, chemistry) in Paris. By the end of the year 1870, he began his work at the National Museum in Zagreb, the curator of geological-mineralogical department.[1][2]

Prof. Pilar established a dinosaur collection (Jurassic and Cretaceous) and eological collections at the National Museum of Croatia.[3]

He reasearched on behalf of the Geologische Bundesanstalt.[3] His works were marked by diversity of subsects. There are premises of the general geology, stratigraphy and paleontology, petrology, speleology, seismology, and meteorology.[1]

From 1875, he was a professor of geology and mineralogy at the newly formed Croatian Franz-Joseph University in Agram (later Rector), plus several others. Pilar was a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, and other scientific societies of Germany, Switzerland, France and Austria.[4][1]

Pilar was a passionate lover of chess. He organised the first chess club in Croatia, the Zagrebacki Sahovski Klub, on 11 March 11, 1886.[5]

[edit] Publications

  • Pilar, G.: Ein Beitrag zur Frage über die Ursache der Eiszeiten (1876)
  • Pilar, G.: Grundzüge der Abyssodynamik (1881)
  • Pilar, G.: Geološka opažanja u zapadnoj Bosni. Istraživanja god. 1879. Rad jugoslav. Akad. 16. knj.; (1882)
  • Pilar, G.: Flora fossilis Susedana (1883)

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Ćorić, Stjepan: Die geologische Erforschung von Bosnien und der Herzegowina und der grundlegende Beitrag der österreichischen Geologen; in: Abh. d. GBA, Bd 56/1 Wien 1999, S. 139
  2. ^ Katzer, Dr. Friedrich: Geologie Bosniens und der Hercegovina, 1.Bd.1.Teil, Sarajevo 1924, S.39
  3. ^ a b Die österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild, Bd. XXIV, Croatia and Slavonia, Vienna 1902, S. 187-188, 514, 522
  4. ^ Pilar, Dr. G.: Ein Beitrag zur Frage über die Ursache der Eiszeiten, Agram 1876
  5. ^ A short history of Croatian Chess