Gjon Markagjoni

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Captain Gjon Markagjoni was an Albanian tribal leader who rebelled against the Albanian government. In 1921 in alliance with Esadists, Greeks from Northern Epiros, Yugoslavia and remnants of Wrangel's White Army, he founded in Prizren the Republic of Mirdita and served as its president during its short existence. His republic did not receive recognition by its alleged citizens nor from other countries. Markagjoni's rebellion was extinguished by the Albanian government later that year. Markagjoni fled to Yugoslavia, but later returned to Albania and remained active in the political life of the highlands. In 1928, he signed an agreement between highlanders.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ At Giuseppe Valentini, Vepra (publicistikë, studime dhe tekste) (Plejad: Tiranë, 2005) 742.