User talk:Giorgiomonteforti

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Hello Giorgio. I'll try to translate it today, the Arabic used in this documents (both the inscription and the language) seems to be from Morocco, and since that I'm from Syria It is not easy anyway to decode them, but I'll try to do. KFZI310 (talk) 04:50, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

Hello I tried hard to decode this document which is written in an old Arabic variety from Libya, Anyway I’ll explain you the outcome,

on the top of the document above the black seal in the middle there is a verse from a poem saying He who dares the seas it is a glory for him ***** the one in his life with eminence then there is two very common-occurring religious prayer in official documents saying the praise is only for good (Allah) no one Immortal but Allah then comes the main subject of this document, which is something like: We grant -under the supremacy and the power of Allah- the boon companion of our honourable prestige The admiral, Monsieur (Po*** Racli) , the first chef of the Italian squadron, we grant him the second rank of our Alawid medal of honour . So let him wears it with so much proud and to consider it as a witness to what he had of consideration and respect in our honourable prestige. ****, Libya, 18 Rabia 1312 (Hijri).

at the bottom of this document there is also another verse saying

if you wanted ***** from the people ****our glorious medal of honour

Notice that stars **** stands for words that I couldn't understand neither my friend -who is Arabic professor- did.

KFZI310 (talk) 10:20, 4 June 2008 (UTC)