Gina Bold

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Inner dealer by Gina Bold.
Inner dealer by Gina Bold.

Gina Bold (born 1959 in London) is an English artist and has been an artist in residence of Novas Arts from May to November 2007.[1]


[edit] Life and work

Gina Bold was born in London to a Greek mother and Scottish father and lived in Abbey Road, London.[2] She studied fashion at Kilburn Polytechnic and pattern cutting.[2]

She started painting in 1987 with the encouragement of personal friend Shaun Parry-Jones In 1993 she attended the Mary Ward Center and learnt how to make stained glass windows. She started to make small sculptures in 2006. She was exhibited for the first time in 2002 by Barnet College and also at the Stuckist International Gallery.

In 2003, after the death of her father, she suffered a breakdown, which she saw as a "breakthrough" to inform her art:[2]

I don’t think these things should be brushed under the carpet. I have severe emotional problems, panic attacks and depression, but I’m not looking for the sympathy vote. This is life – it happens and it’s hard. When I make something visual it helps. It’s not just in my mind any more; it’s there for people to see. If my work makes other people with similar problems feel less alone then I think I would have achieved something worthwhile.[2]

In 2007, she held her first solo show, Born to Be Bold, at the Arlington Gallery in Camden Town London, England.[2] the show consisted of 67 paintings and 10 sculptures[1].

[edit] Shows

The Arlington Gallery, Camden, London, during "Born to Be Bold"
The Arlington Gallery, Camden, London, during "Born to Be Bold"
  • 2002: The First Stuckist International.[3]
  • 2002: F-EST[4]
  • 2003: Art4All, Princes Trust.[3]
  • 2003: Kith and Kids charity show
  • 2003: Stuck in Wednesbury[5]
  • 2004: ODPM with Vision Impossible (group show)
  • 2005: Bull and Last, Highgate Road (solo show)
  • 2007: Born to Be Bold (solo)[2]
  • 2007: The Other Side Gallery Christmas fair, Novas Gallery (group show)

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b "Biog" page from
  2. ^ a b c d e f Wroe
  3. ^ a b Buckman p.158
  4. ^ Thomson, "Stuck Inn II".
  5. ^ Milner, p 23. From "Stuckist on Stuckism" essay (also online)

[edit] References

[edit] External links