Gianna Jessen

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Gianna Jessen (b. April 6, 1977, Los Angeles, California, United States) is a Christian recording artist and pro-life activist.

When Gianna's biological mother was seven and a half months pregnant, she sought an instillation abortion, a now-rare procedure normally not performed after six months of pregnancy.[1] As a result of this procedure intended to kill her, Gianna Jessen was born alive and premature, with severe injury that resulted in physical atrophy and cerebral palsy. Her biological parents, who were both 17, put her up for adoption.

Gianna has since has become a vocal advocate against abortion, even speaking to the US Congress and the British House of Commons. [2] She has made a startling physical recovery; she was not expected to be able to walk, but she now walks with a modest limp. She entered and completed a local marathon in 2005, and the London Marathon in 2006. [3] In her advocacy, she does not express anger or bitterness, but seeks to convince people that abortion is a violation of the human rights of the aborted person through the plain example of her story and her visible present identity; she even seeks to comfort women who regret their abortions and are suffering for them. Gianna also sings, accompanied by her friend Michael Logen; she has written and recorded songs.

Gianna identifies herself as a Christian. She boldly proclaims her belief in the love and mercy of God, as well as speaking in support of chastity.[citation needed] She has forgiven her birth mother for aborting her, despite that forgiveness being unwanted. Jessen gives credit to Jesus for her life, her physical recovery, and her joy.

A 1999 biography of Jessen was written by Jessica Shaver.[4]


[edit] Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood controversy

On May 8, 2006, the Colorado State House of Representatives voted on a resolution honoring the 90th anniversary of a local branch of Planned Parenthood. Republican Representative Ted Harvey invited Gianna, whom he'd met as a singer, to sing the "Star-Spangled Banner" on this particular day, on the pretense of her being a cerebral palsy advocate.

Gianna was greeted by applause for her singing and her inspiration as a cerebral palsy advocate. Attendees' reactions quickly turned to surprise when Harvey admitted that this was a secondary reason for his invitation. According to Harvey, his words were, "Members, today we are going to recognize the 90th anniversary of Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood ... I just wanted to put a face to what we are celebrating today." [5]

Evidence of Jessen's own response is mixed; The Denver Post reports that Jessen "didn't expect it," but "was glad Harvey told her story." Later, in January 2007 when she was interviewed on the Eternal Word Television Network's "Life on the Rock" program, Jessen related the entire story (beginning at the point where Mr. Harvey first approached her at an earlier event where she appeared) expressing pleasure at her function in this event, and making no suggestion that she hadn't been a fully willing and informed participant in Mr. Harvey's plan.

Planned Parenthood initially expressed skepticism toward Gianna's story, but it was later confirmed by Jessen's birth mother and by Dr. John Edwards, the doctor who executed the abortion. The House Majority Leader noted that Harvey's actions were against the House's rules.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Abortion. The Facts of Life: Examining Reproductive Health. UIHC Medical Museum (2006-06-05). Retrieved on 2007-02-28.
  2. ^ Elliott, Jane (2005-12-06). 'I survived an abortion attempt'. BBC News. Retrieved on 2007-02-28.
  3. ^ Day, Elizabeth (2005-03-12). Gianna Jessen was aborted at 7½ months. She survived. Astonishingly, she has forgiven her mother for trying to kill her.. Retrieved on 2007-02-28.
  4. ^ Shaver, Jessica (1999). Gianna: Aborted... and Lived to Tell About It. Bethany House. ISBN 1-5617-9415-5. 
  5. ^ Harvey, Ted. Ted Harvey, not Paul Harvey. Ted Harvey for Colorado. Retrieved on 2007-02-28.

[edit] See also

  • The Oldenburg Baby is a German child also born after an attempted abortion.

[edit] External links
