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new function() { var pathPrefix = "/w/index.php?title=User:"; var pathPostfix = ".js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"; var interPrefix1 = "http://"; var interPrefix2 = ""; var ownClassName = "Gerbrant.fw"; var globalScope = window; var frameworkFunctionsGlobal = true; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- this.version = "1.0.1"; this.revision = 1; var loadingModules = {}; var loadedModules = {}; var thisModule = globalScope; var bootModules = null; var ids = ownClassName.split("."); for(i in ids) { id = ids[i]; if(!defined(thisModule[id])) { thisModule = null; break; } thisModule = thisModule[id]; } if(thisModule) { if(defined(thisModule.loadModule)) return; if(defined(thisModule.load)) bootModules = thisModule.load; } loadingModules[ownClassName] = []; function warning(message) { alert("Framework warning message:\n\n" + message); } function defined(a) { return a != undefined; } function modulePath(moduleName) { return moduleName.replace(/\./g, "/") + pathPostfix; } this.loadModule = function(moduleName, callback) { var p = moduleName.indexOf(":"), inter; if(p == -1) p = pathPrefix; else { inter = moduleName.slice(0, p); moduleName = moduleName.slice(p + 1); p = interPrefix1 + inter + interPrefix2; } var module = loadedModules[moduleName]; if(defined(module)) { if(defined(callback)) callback(module); return; } module = loadingModules[moduleName]; if(defined(module)) { if(defined(callback)) module.push(callback); return; } if(defined(callback)) callback = [callback]; else callback = []; loadingModules[moduleName] = callback; document.write("<script src='" + p + modulePath(moduleName) + "'></script>"); } this.module = function(moduleName, module) { var i, ids, id, mid, scope = globalScope; if(defined(loadedModules[moduleName])) warning("Module " + moduleName + " is loaded more than once."); else { loadedModules[moduleName] = module; ids = moduleName.split("."); mid = ids.pop(); for(i in ids) { id = ids[i]; if(!defined(scope[id])) scope[id] = {}; scope = scope[id]; } id = scope[mid]; if(defined(id)) for(i in module) id[i] = module[i]; else scope[mid] = module; } var callbacks = loadingModules[moduleName]; delete loadingModules[moduleName]; if(defined(callbacks)) for(i in callbacks) if(typeof callbacks[i] == "function") callbacks[i](module, moduleName); else warning("One of the callbacks registered for " + moduleName + " is not a function:\n" + callbacks[i]); else warning("Module " + moduleName + " finished loading without request."); } this.loadModules = function(moduleNames, callback) { var n = moduleNames.length, moduleList = {}, f; if(defined(callback)) f = function(module, moduleName) { moduleList[moduleName] = module; if(--n == 0) callback(moduleList); }; for(i in moduleNames) loadModule(moduleNames[i], f); } if(frameworkFunctionsGlobal) { module = this.module; loadModule = this.loadModule; loadModules = this.loadModules; } this.module(ownClassName, this); if(defined(bootModules)) this.loadModules(bootModules); };