Talk:Gerry Bertier
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We are currently working on this page as part of a project for our English class (2/13/08)
Alright, the article is officially ready and any helpful contributions would be much appreciated! (2/22/08)
fix link to remember the titans
culmination--do you mean conclusion?
the research of --research on
Ultimately, Bertier would be forced to settle for gold medals in the Wheelchair Olympics following his tragic 1971 accident.--dont jump ahead, espeically under this category
High School, and --no comma eliminate unnecessary ones throughout
winning many honors for--wording
season was unimaginable--awkward wording
very critical condition.--delete very
id as much as he could help victims of spinal cord injury. --proofread
and Gerry worked with --and he worked
After Gerry’s ‘71 accident, he temporarily lost his courageous and competitive drive. It was very hard for Gerry to realize he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, but as soon as he did, Gerry’s fiery spirit returned.--backtracks to material already stated
Bertier did have a girlfriend, but her name was Becky, and their eventual split had nothing to do with Gerry’s friendships with his black teammates [22]. --very good research
Overall this is excellent. It uses a wide range of sources and combines the information from them into a seamless and coherent article. This is a great story that I knew nothing about. The inclusion of the critique of the film which sets its version against the previously narrated account is especially engaging.
Make the edits recommended for the A. B+ Rudolph2007 (talk) 02:13, 3 March 2008 (UTC)