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Germknödel (Austrian German), Hefeknödel (Standard German), or kynuté knedlíky (Czech) is an Austrian, Southern German and Bohemian sweet bread. In Austria it is served both as a dessert and, though rarely in modern times, as a main course.
The word Germknödel translates into English as yeast dumpling. The usually spherical or bun-shaped dessert's main ingredient is a yeast dough with added sugar and fat, usually butter. The dough is filled with Powidl, a sweet and spicy plum jam. The dumpling is steamed and then served still hot with either melted butter or vanilla dessert sauce, and topped with crushed poppy seeds and sugar.
The main differences between Germknödel and a related dish, Dampfnudeln, are that where Germknödel are either steamed or boiled, Dampfnudeln are cooked in a deep pan.