Germania Secunda

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In the early fourth-century Notitia Dignitatum, Germania Secunda (Germania II), situated along the Lower Rhine and administered by a Consularis, was the name under the Dominate of Germania Inferior, a military border territory which had been established under the Flavian reorganization of the Roman Empire, out of northeasternmost Gaul, separated from Belgica by the estuary of the Scheldt. Germania Secunda in the diocese of Gaul remained to the end of the Roman Empire a small, intensely garrisoned Roman province that was inhabited by Romans and Ripuarian Franks in the 5th century. Its capital remained Cologne, Roman Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, which was the seat of a Christian bishopric, in charge of an ecclesiastical province that survived the fall of the Roman Empire.

Fuller information can be found at Germania Inferior.

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