German League for People and Homeland

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The German League for People and Homeland (German:Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat or DLVH) is a right wing political organization in Germany.

The DLVH was formed in 1991 by former National Democratic Party of Germany leader Martin Mussgnug with a three man leadership of Rudolf Kendzia, Harald Neubauer and Jürgen Schützinger. It gained its first political representation that same year when a German People's Union (DVU) member of the Bremen state legislature joined the party. During the 1990s other DVU members in Schleswig-Holstein also joined the party, although the process went into decline from 1995 as they returned to the DVU. In the 1996 election the party captured only 0.2% of the Schleswig-Holstein vote, underlining their decline in the area. As a result the group ceased to organise as a political party in 1997, continuing as a political association. Despite this, they ran in local elections in 2004, capturing 6.2% of the vote and two seats in Villingen-Schwenningen.

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