
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you vandalise this page I'll come round to your house and break your legs!

"Surely this user can't be serious?"
That's what I'd look like in a very ideal world
That's what I'd look like in a very ideal world

Hello fellow Wikipedians! My name is Ted Barlow (AKA. Ted Fox) I'll tell you a bit about myself if you want to know (please bear in mind I rarely take myself seriously and it is one of my ambitions in life to become an Uncyclopedia in-joke) I was born in Oldham in 1990 and have lived all my life in Moston in Lancashire, about a mile from Manchester (Don't give me all that 'Greater Manchester' crap) Although I want to move to Africa. I have an irrational hatred of Volkswagen Beetle's and the people who drive them (normally Trotskyite hippe vegetarians who couldn't afford anything better) I am the proud owner of a Betamax video recorder (Doovde?) I'm also a Furry and my fursona is a Red Fox (Come on you budding genetic scientists, work out a way to give me four legs, fur and a tail) My sexuality is rather weird, I consider myself bisexual (I don't consider myself a member of the 'gay community' though, I don't know any other LGBT people and I believe everyone is bisexual to some degree, But I've not admitted my bisexuality outside the internet because you get persecuted by both gays and straights) but I also think Wolves and Foxes are hot (even the government hates me for that) and I'm a vorarephile, which basically means I get off on seeing animals eat each other.

[edit] Stuff I like

Stuff I like includes Wolves, Foxes, Ancient Greece, Blackpool, Suits, Monty Python, Nationalism and Smoking, My heroes are Enoch Powell (I'm not afraid of having unpopular opinions) Jeremy Clarkson, Stephen Fry, Benito Mussolini, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (I love engineering, I've got a habit of taking things apart to see how they work, Then I'm normally unable to reassemble the bits) George Formby and Eric Arthur Blair (if you don't know who Eric is then I'm sure you will have heard of his pen name, George Orwell)

[edit] Countries I love and respect

This is basically a list of countries I like for various reasons, I think the first three should rule the world, I could make the list longer but I'll keep it to my top 5.

[edit] A journey into the weird and wonderful world of ME!

This user is proud to be British.
This users favourite animal is the Red fox. (Vulpes vulpes)
This user's species is a Red Fox.
This user is interested in the  British Empire.  
This user is NOT known for taking themself too seriously.
This user is British by ethnicity
UK This user uses British English.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user is a fan of Blackadder.
QI This user is Quite Interesting.
This user is male.
This user is a Monty Python fan.
This user is a smoker.
This user is a Monarchist, and a British Imperialist. Rule, Britannia!
This user would not hesitate to use any means necessary to defend the Falkland Islands.
This user supports Barack Obama for President in 2008.
This user loves yiff, and is probably a furry.
This user is a furry.
This user is highly against communism.
The user is a SUPER FAN of Mr.Bean
This user loves the flag of Rhodesia.
This user identifies as bisexual.
This user is a carnivore. When was the last time you heard of a vegetarian fox?.
This user supports the British re-invasion of China
HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.
☢ This user is an escaped genetic experiment.
This user is a Capitalist and wishes to exploit the proletariat as much as the law will allow.
This user is widely considered a spelling and grammar Nazi. He is sometimes erroneously considered a regular Nazi.
This user misses Pluto. May its planethood rest in peace.
This user trusts the EU about as far as they can throw it.
This user is a Doctor Who fan.
RD This user knows that "they're all dead, Dave".
This user has visited Royston Vasey, And will never leave!
d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
42 This user knows that 42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question of life, the Universe, and everything.
This user believes in Christianity.
This user rejects your reality and substitutes one's own!
Goody Goody
Yum Yum
This user is a fan of The Goodies.