User:Geometry guy/Mathematicians

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This page no longer contains the proof of concept for the mathematicians table. The concept has now been proven and can be found at Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mathematics/Wikipedia_1.0/Mathematicians.

Instead, this page now contains some old data which has not been fully migrated to the new page.


[edit] Pre 16th century

The dates in these tables are approximate.

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Pythagoras 582 – 507 BCE B Geometry Core Biographies Top
Euclid 325 – 265 BCE B Geometry Core Biographies Top
Archimedes 287 – 212 BCE B Core Biographies Top
Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Diophantus 210 – 290 B number theory Vital Article Mid
Zu Geng 450 – 520 Stub Cavalieri's principle Low
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi 780 – 850 B algebra Core Biographies Mid
Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Ch'in Chiu-Shao 1202 – 1261 Stub arithmetic, algebra Low
Madhava of Sangamagrama 1350 – 1425 B algebra, calculus, founder of the Kerala School Low

[edit] 16th – 18th century

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Napier, John 1550 – 1617 Start logarithms, arithmetic, geometry Mid
Kepler, Johannes 1571 – 1630 A-BB+ Celestial mechanics Mid
Descartes, René 1596 – 1650 A-BB+ Geometry High
Fermat, Pierre de 1601 – 1665 Start number theory High
Pascal, Blaise 1623 – 1662 Featured article FA projective geometry, probability theory High
Newton, Isaac 1643 – 1727 Featured article FA Calculus Top
Raphson, Joseph 1648 – 1715 Start Newton Raphson method Low
Leibniz, Gottfried 1646 – 1716 A-BB+ Calculus. Failed Good article nomination. Top
Moivre, Abraham de 1667 – 1754 Start complex numbers, trigonometry Low
Euler, Leonhard 1707 – 1763 Featured article FA calculus, number theory, topology. FA nominee Top
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 1736 – 1813 B calculus of variations, celestial mechanics, differential equations Low
Laplace, Pierre-Simon 1749 – 1827 B differential equations, mechanics High
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 1752 – 1833 Start statistics, number theory, algebra Mid
Fourier, Joseph 1768 – 1830 Start Fourier series/Fourier transform, heat flow Mid
Adrain, Robert 1775 – 1843 Stub Early american mathematician Low
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 1777 – 1855 Featured article FA number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy and optics Top
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 1789 – 1857 Start calculus, analysis Top
Crelle, August Leopold 1780 – 1855 Stub Founder of Crelle's Journal Low
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich 1792 – 1856 Start non-euclidean geometry Mid

[edit] 1800 – 1849

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Mikhail Vasilievich Ostrogradsky 1801 – 1862 calculus of variations, algebraic functions, number theory, algebra Mid
Niels Henrik Abel 1802 – 1829 algebra Mid
Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi 1804 – 1851 number theory, special functions, modular forms Mid
Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 1805 – 1859 Start analysis Top
William Rowan Hamilton 1805 – 1865 Hamiltonian mechanics, the quaternions High
Augustus De Morgan 1806 – 1871 logic, induction, arithmetic Low
Hermann Grassmann 1809 – 1877 linear algebra, geometric algebra High
Évariste Galois 1811 – 1832 B Algebra High
Karl Weierstrass 1815 – 1897 Start analysis Top
George Boole 1815 – 1864 algebra, logic High
Arthur Cayley 1821 – 1895 algebra High
Pafnuty Chebyshev 1821 – 1894 probability, statistics, analysis Low
Leopold Kronecker 1823 – 1891 algebra, foundational logic Low
Francis Galton 1822 – 1911 A-B Statistics Low
Bernhard Riemann 1826 – 1866 B analysis and differential geometry Top
Richard Dedekind 1831 – 1916 algebra, real analysis High
Josiah Willard Gibbs 1839 – 1903 vector analysis High
Sophus Lie 1842 – 1899 Stub differential equations, group theory, theory of Lie groups Mid
William Kingdon Clifford 1845 – 1879 geometric algebra Mid
Felix Klein 1849 – 1925 group theory, geometry, founder of the Erlangen program High
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius 1849 – 1917 group theory, differential equations Mid

[edit] 1850 – 1899

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Bruno Abakanowicz 1852 – 1900 Start ? Low
Henri Poincaré 1854 – 1912 B Broad Top
Georg Cantor 1845 – 1918 Good article GA Set theory, Logic. Good article nomination. Top
Aleksandr Lyapunov 1857 – 1918 dynamical systems Low
David Hilbert 1862 – 1943 Good article GA proof theory, mathematical logic. Good article nomination. Top
Hermann Minkowski 1864 – 1909 number theory, functional analysis, theory of relativity, linear algebra Mid
Guido Castelnuovo 1865 – 1952 algebraic geometry (Italian school) High
Felix Hausdorff 1868 – 1942 Start measure theory, functional analysis, set theory, topology Top
Élie Cartan 1869 – 1951 Lie groups High
Ernst Zermelo 1871 – 1953 axiomatic set theory High
Émile Borel 1871 – 1956 measure theory, analysis Low
Federigo Enriques 1871 – 1946 algebraic geometry (Italian school) Low
Tullio Levi-Civita 1873 – 1941 tensor calculus Mid
Constantin Carathéodory 1873 – 1950 Stub Analysis Mid
Issai Schur 1875 – 1941 represenatation theory Low
Henri Lebesgue 1875 – 1941 B mathematical analysis, measure theory Top
Gilbert Ames Bliss 1876 – 1951 B calculus of variations Low
G. H. Hardy 1877 – 1947 Start number theory, analysis, discovery of Ramanujan High
Maurice René Fréchet 1878 – 1973 B topology, statistics, calculus Mid
Francesco Severi 1879 – 1961 algebraic geometry (Italian school) Low
Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer 1881 – 1966 Start topology, set theory, measure theory, complex analysis High
Wacław Sierpiński 1882 – 1969 Start set theory, topology Mid
Emmy Nöther 1882 – 1935 algebra High
Robert Lee Moore 1882 – 1974 B topology - education Low
Solomon Lefschetz 1884 – 1972 algebraic topology, differential equations, Morse theory High
Hermann Weyl 1885 – 1955 A-BB+ manifolds, representation theory of compact Lie groups Mid
Srinivasa Ramanujan 1887 – 1920 B number theory High
Selig Brodetsky 1888 – 1954 Stub NN applied mathematics Low
Ronald Fisher 1890 – 1962 A Statistics single-handedly created the foundations for modern statistical science. Failed Good article nomination. High
Marston Morse 1892 – 1977 Morse theory Mid
Stefan Banach 1892 – 1945 functional analysis, pillar of the Lwów School of Mathematics High
Kazimierz Kuratowski 1896 – 1980 set theory, topology, Polish spaces High
Emil Artin 1898 – 1962 algebra Mid
William James Sidis 1898 – 1944 Start child prodigy Low
Oscar Zariski 1899 – 1986 algebraic geometry High

[edit] 1900 – 1949

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Alfred Tarski 1901 – 1983 mathematical logic, model theory, abstract algebra, set theory High
Eugene Wigner 1902 – 1995 mathematical physics Mid
Frank P. Ramsey 1903 – 1930 B Combinatorics, Ramsey theory Mid
John von Neumann 1903 – 1957 mathematical physics, set theory, theoretical computer science, economics Mid
W. V. D. Hodge 1903 – 1975 differential geometry, algebraic topology Mid
J. H. C. Whitehead 1904 – 1960 Stub homotopy theory Mid
Max August Zorn 1906 – 1993 Stub algebra, group theory, numerical analysis Mid
Kurt Gödel 1906 – 1978 B Logic Top
André Weil 1906 – 1998 B number theory, algebraic geometry High
Lars Ahlfors 1907 – 1996 complex analysis, Riemann surfaces Mid
Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter 1907 – 2003 geometry High
Saunders Mac Lane 1909 – 2005 Start category theory High
Esther Szekeres 1910 – 2005 Start Happy Ending problem Low
Chern Shiing-shen 1911 – 2004 Start differential geometery Top
George Szekeres 1911 – 2005 Start Happy Ending problem Low
Alan Turing 1912 – 1954 A A Good article, om CD-Selection, logic, computers, cryptography High
J. Carson Mark 1913 – 1997 Stub Low
George Dantzig 1914 – 2005 Start linear programming Mid
Paul Erdős 1913 – 1996 number theory High
Atle Selberg 1917 – number theory, automorphic forms Unassessed
William S. Massey 1920 – Stub spectral sequences Low
Raoul Bott 1923 – 2005 geometry Mid
Harish Chandra Mehrotra 1923 – 1983 representation theory Low
Alexander Abian 1923 – 1999 Start Low
Armand Borel 1923 – 2003 Lie group theory Low
Benoît Mandelbrot 1924 – fractal geometry Low
John Tate 1925 – algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, class field theory, algebraic K-theory Low
Jean-Pierre Serre 1926 – Start algebraic geometry, number theory and topology High
Serge Lang 1927 – 2005 number theory, algebra Mid
Friedrich Hirzebruch 1927 – complex manifolds, algebraic geometry Mid
Alexander Grothendieck 1928 – B algebraic geometry, homological algebra, and functional analysis Top
John Forbes Nash 1928 – B - poor on maths game theory High
Michael Atiyah 1929 – global analysis, topological K-theory Top
Stephen Smale 1930 – Start h-cobordism theorem Mid
John Milnor 1931 – differential topology Mid
Robert Langlands 1936 – number theory, representation theory High
John Horton Conway 1937 – number theory, game theory High
William Thurston 1946 – low-dimensional topology, differential geometry Mid
Paul Cohen 1934 – model theory, axiomatic set theory Mid
David Mumford 1937 – algebraic geometry Mid
Vladimir Arnold 1937 – Start A vital article High
Neil Robertson 1938 – Start Topological graph theory Low
Robion Kirby 1938 – Stub topological manifolds Low
Pierre Deligne 1944 – modular forms, Weil conjectures Mid
Shing-Tung Yau 1949 – differential geometry Mid

[edit] 1950 onwards

Mathematician Dates Quality Field Need
Michael Freedman 1951 – topology Mid
Edward Witten 1951 – Start M-theory High
Vaughan Jones 1952 – knot theory, conformal field theory, von Neumann algebras Mid
Andrew Wiles 1953 – Fermat's last theorem Mid
Simon Donaldson 1957 – Start topology, manifolds High
Maxim Kontsevich 1964 – knot theory, mirror symmetry Mid
Grigori Perelman 1966 – B differential geometry, Thurston's geometrization conjecture, failed GA nominee High
Graeme Segal 1942 – Stub conformal field theory, homotopy theory, elliptic cohomology Low
William Lawvere 1937 – Stub category theory Low
Robert M. Solovay c. 1940 – set theory Mid