George Hurley and Mike Watt

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George Hurley and Mike Watt are the rhythm section (drums and bass, respectively) behind Minutemen and fIREHOSE. On rare occasions since 2001, and usually in the Los Angeles area (a recent exception was two December 2004 performances in England), the two musicians, who have remained friends since fIREHOSE's disbanding in 1994, reunite to play a set list of all Minutemen songs as a duet.

They refuse to have a substitute guitarist playing late Minutemen guitarist D. Boon's parts; instead the songs will be rearranged for bass and drums. They insist that they not be billed as the Minutemen for these shows or referred to as a Minutemen reunion, as they do not want to cheapen or "vampire" the Minutemen name. Instead, they insist on being billed under their real names and that the advertisements state that they will be "playing Minutemen songs as a duet."

Prior to their Minutemen duet shows, Hurley and Watt previously reunited in 1998 to record, along with Petra Haden and Stephen Perkins, a song for a NORML benefit album.