George Cecil Jones

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George Cecil Jones (1870-?) was a Welsh chemist, occultist, one time member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and co-founder of the magical order A∴A∴. According to Aleister Crowley,[1] Jones lived for some time in Basingstoke, England, working at a metallurgy there.

Jones is perhaps best known for the pivotal role he played in the life of British occultist and writer Aleister Crowley, stoking Crowley's youthful enthusiasm for magick and introducing him to the Golden Dawn, which Jones was himself a member of, going by the Latin magical motto Volo Noscere. In 1906 Jones and Crowley would found the A∴A∴, taking some of the lessons from their tumultuous experiences with the Golden Dawn as well as the teachings of The Book of the Law and incorporating them into their new order, which Crowley would head.

Jones would also contribute to Crowley's book of essays on and references for Qabalah, 777 and other Qabalistic writings.

Little is known about his life except for his roles in the history of the Golden Dawn and the life of Aleister Crowley.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Crowley, Aleister: The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, pg. 172

[edit] References