Georg Knorr

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Theodor Georg Knorr

Georg Knorr
Born November 13, 1859
Ruda, West Prussia
Died April 15, 1911
Davos, Switzerland

Theodor Georg Knorr (13th of November 1859 - 15th of April 1911), was an engineer and entrepreneur in the field of railroad technology and founder of the firm Knorr-Bremse.


[edit] Life and work

Georg Knorr worked after the mechanical engineering study in the Krefelder railroad administration and stepped 1884 into the Berliner office of the American engineer Jesse Fairfield Carpenter a (seat at the Schöneberger bank 17 in Berlin zoo), that itself around the introduction of the bicameral compressed-air brake produced by it on the German market striven. Gnarl received the firm 1893 "Carpenter Schulze", embarrassed the production after Berlin Britz and developed here in 1900 even a new brake, the "Knorr Einkammerschnellbremse". He concentrated now on the production of its brake; the firm name was retained however. The "Knorr brake" has become since 1905 in the German railroads for goods trains and soon as a unit brake in all European railroads introduced; the "Carpenter brake" remained in the European room insignificant.

Knorr embarrassed with the abundant production its brake the firm in the autumn 1904 after Boxhagen row castle into an available factory building into the new railway station street 11/12, later old factory named. Georg Knorr established 1905 in the end the business "Knorr brake gmbh" and bought also the neighbor plot of land no. 13/14 thereto. In order to be able to expand the production, let erect it here the so-called new factory. Because this sufficed for the increasing demand also soon no longer, became Erweiterungsbauten in the Hirschberger street, on the far side of which train line undertaken.

Together with the engineers Kunze and Hildebrand, Knorr pushed emerged the development of the railroad-compressed air-brake systems, it that ' ‚Kunze-Knorr-Bremse' ' (a mehrlösige Verbundbremse, that itself as desired often gradually design and solve lets) and later that ' ‚Hildebrand-Knorr-Bremse' ' (a mehrlösige brake working after the three pressure sentence, that on all vehicles of a train simultaneously causes). The profit of the factory was 1911 so large that this was transformed into the "Knorr brake corporation" (Knorr brake CORP.).

In 1910, Georg Knorr had to lay down the company management for health reasons, died it in a cure stay in 1911 in Davos in the end. Because the family had its residence in light mountain, Georg Knorr in the family grave in the current Robert-you value-street was buried.

First after Knorrs death, in the years 1913 to 1916, received the outside facade of the previous buildings after plans of Alfred Grenander through window changes, Klinkerverblendung, column arcades, sandstone relief in the parapet fields, wall pillar and dormers a uniform appearance. On the yard terrain, Erweiterungsbauten (breadth wing and parallel wing) were undertaken and an own heat work erects. To the chief work in the Hirschberger street, a tunnel-like connection street was designed. After the first world war and the world economic crisis, the firm again lucratively was able to work Knorr brake, constructed emerged in 1928 the Firmenerben another representative administration building with tower-like emphases at three corners (where the tower standing western directly at the train line somewhat more highly and with large windows forms is, during the other constructed windowless are), that also after plans by Grenander and itself at that already. – The total buildings of the Knorr brake on both sides of the train line belaid now an area of 24,380 ms².

Both Berliner locations of the former Knorr brake CORP. Registry are on the Historical. In one, a "Knorr museum" was arranged.

[edit] Distinction of Georg Knorr

Named after 'Georg gnarl are some arrangements and/or streets like:

  • the sport society ' 'Georg gnarl ' in Berlin and Frankfurt, with judo, Jiu Jitsu, gymnastics, fitness, that acts in the first national league [1]
  • A business park in Berlin at the intersection Landsberger avenue/Märkische avenue,
  • that ' 'gnarl promenade' ' in Berlin-Friedrichshain, that from 1911 cultivated became and received its name after death of Georg Knorr,
  • ' ‚Georg-Knorr-Straße' ' in Berlin-Marzahn,
  • ' ‚Georg-Knorr-Straße' ' in

Hohenbrunn in Munich.

[edit] References

  1. ^ [ homepage SV G. K.]

[edit] External links

Luisenstädtischen development society]

the business park in the real estate management of the Knorr brake]
