Geology of Bangladesh

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Geography of Bangladesh
Geography of Bangladesh
Ganges River Delta
Ganges River Delta

The Geology of Bangladesh is affected by the country's location, as Bangladesh is a riverine country. It is the eastern two-thirds of of the Ganges and Brahmaputra river delta plain stretching to the north from the Bay of Bengal. There are two smaller areas of higher jungle composed of old alluvium called the Madhupur tract and the Barind Tract.[1]

The rivers are the most significant feature of Bangladesh geology as they constantly change course, sometimes rapidly, so that topological features of Bangladesh are ever changing.[2]

In Bangladesh, sedimentary rocks lie on top of the basement rocks and range in thickness from 128 m in the Rangpur Saddle area to 21 km in the delta basin. The downward twisting of the basement rocks under central and southern Bangladesh result from the pressure of sediments that have been accumulating since the Cretaceous period, mostly a large quantity of carbonate. In the Late Eocene epoch the conditions in the Bay of Bengal changed and these deposits ceased.[3]

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Bangladesh. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved on 2007-08-18.
  2. ^ Bangladesh, page 2. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved on 2007-08-19.
  3. ^ Basement. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. Retrieved on 2007-08-19.

[edit] External links