Geo-social networking
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Geo-social network is a geographically aware social network in which members share geographic information in support of a common interest. The term geo-social stems from the web-based concept of online social networks (e.g., MySpace) which self-assemble around an area of interest for information exchange and relationship building.
A geo-social network allows members to interact relative to location and time. This requires the use of mapping tools to express the spatial component of important concepts or events. For example, a geo-social network interested in Jazz music could use free mapping tools (e.g., Google Maps, Microsoft Live) to communicate locations of the best jazz clubs or concert events. A geo-social network focused on natural disasters could use more advanced geospatial mapping tools to communicate detailed over all situational awareness based on an assembly of individual perspectives. This type of geo-social networking is known as collaborative mapping.
Companies that are focusing in geo-social networking: