General Learning Ability

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General Learning Ability is an Aptitude, commonly referred to as the "G" score, defined as the ability to "catch on" or understand instructions and underlying principles; ability to reason and make judgements. Closely related to doing well in school. "G" score is often used by Vocational Rehabilitation evaluators and counselors as a factor for determining a person's likelihood of success in a two- or four-year college program. In assessments such as the U.S. Department of Labor's General Aptitude Test Battery (G.A.T.B.) and the Vocational Research Institute's Careerscope, a person's General Learning Ability score is determined by a combination of subests of Pattern Visualization, Word Meanings and Numerical Reasoning.

[edit] Examples

The aptitude General Learning Ability is related to the use of logic or scientific facts to define problems and draw conclusions; make decisions and judgements; or plan and supervise the work of others. Specific job tasks that might require high General Learning Ability include: diagnose and treat illnesses or injuries; use facts to solve a crime; plan the layout of a computer network; inspect and test engine parts.

[edit] See also