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Tinky is gause! Yuen is gause!

[edit] All about "Gause"

A new-era culture

"Gause" is a speaking style widely used by Gausemen.
Gause is a new word, first used by the Gausemen.
It can be used as a verb, noun, adjective or pro-noun.

Adj. e.g.
This is gause !
That song is so gause !
C.K.K is gause!

Gause is a spirit.::
It is a feeling inside your heart but you can't tell.
"Gause Music" is a new genre of music, played by the "Gause" band.

[by Tinky]

From the view of English-man, it may be difficult to understand what "gause" is. Gause is a canton-English. In Cantonese, Gause pronounces as two words, "gau" and "se". In Cantonese, "Gau" means penis and "se" means shit. [by Yuen]

[edit] Gausegish

Some examples of Gause language - Gausegish :
"OK","得","冇問題" = 諗諗先
"諗諗先" = 唔得
"唔得" = 唔得
"準時兩點半等" = 四點前到
"今日有咩搞" = 今日夠唔夠人鋤dee [by Seven]