Gauge covariant derivative

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The gauge covariant derivative (pronounced /ˌgeɪdʒ koʊˌvɛəriənt dɪˈrɪvətɪv/) is like a generalization of the covariant derivative used in general relativity. If a theory has gauge transformations, it means that some physical properties of certain equations are preserved under those transformations. Likewise, the gauge covariant derivative is the ordinary derivative modified in such a way as to make it behave like a true vector operator, so that equations written using the covariant derivative preserve their physical properties under gauge transformations.


[edit] Fluid dynamics

In fluid dynamics, the gauge covariant derivative of a fluid may be defined as

 \nabla_t \mathbf{v}:= \partial_t \mathbf{v} + (\mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla) \mathbf{v}

where \mathbf{v} is a velocity vector field of a fluid.

[edit] Gauge theory

In gauge theory, which studies a particular class of fields which are of importance in quantum field theory, the gauge covariant derivative is defined as

 D_\mu := \partial_\mu - i e A_\mu

where Aμ is the electromagnetic vector potential.

[edit] What happens to the covariant derivative under a gauge transformation

If a gauge transformation is given by

 \psi \mapsto e^{i\Lambda} \psi

and for the gauge potential

 A_\mu \mapsto A_\mu + {1 \over e} (\partial_\mu \Lambda)

then Dμ transforms as

 D_\mu \mapsto \partial_\mu - i e A_\mu - i (\partial_\mu \Lambda) ,

and Dμψ transforms as

 D_\mu \psi \mapsto e^{i \Lambda} D_\mu \psi

and  \bar \psi := \psi^\dagger \gamma^0 transforms as

 \bar \psi \mapsto \bar \psi e^{-i \Lambda}

so that

 \bar \psi D_\mu \psi \mapsto \bar \psi D_\mu \psi

and  \bar \psi D_\mu \psi in the QED Lagrangian is therefore gauge invariant, and the gauge covariant derivative is thus named aptly.

On the other hand, the non-covariant derivative  \partial_\mu would not preserve the Lagrangian's gauge symmetry, since

 \bar \psi \partial_\mu \psi \mapsto \bar \psi \partial_\mu \psi + i \bar \psi (\partial_\mu \Lambda) \psi .

[edit] Quantum chromodynamics

In quantum chromodynamics, the gauge covariant derivative is [1]

 D_\mu := \partial_\mu - i g \, A_\mu^\alpha \,  \lambda_\alpha

where g is the coupling constant, A is the gluon gauge field, for eight different gluons \alpha=1 \dots 8, ψ is a four-component Dirac spinor, and where λα is one of the eight Gell-Mann matrices, \alpha=1 \dots 8.

[edit] General relativity

In general relativity, the gauge covariant derivative is defined as

 \nabla_j v^i := \partial_j v^i + \Gamma^i {}_{j k} v^k

where Γijk is the Christoffel symbol.

[edit] See also

[edit] References