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The gatlingEngine is a Microsoft Windows based program that allows people to play collectible card games and non-traditional card games online and is produced by CCG Workshop. It also includes support for some collectible dice games and tile based strategy games.
It primarily supports games that are no longer in production and are difficult to acquire. Some of the games are officially licensed for play on the gatlingEngine and cost money. Some games can be played for free as their manufacturer has gone out of business. Most games include all the various pieces and cards released for the game, including many promotional items.
Some of the more popular games on the gatlingEngine include Rage, Shadowfist, Doomtown, Mille Bornes, Magi-Nation Duel, and Doomtrooper. Fans are allowed to volunteer as project leads to convert their favorite game for use on the player. Some project leads also produce original games.
Some of the games have organized online leagues that hold tournaments on the gatlingEngine. Some of the games also have cards produced by fans and found only on the gatlingEngine.
None of the games produced by Wizards of the Coast or its subsidiaries, such as Magic: The Gathering, are available for play using the gatlingEngine. Wizards of the Coast has its own proprietary software which it uses to produce online versions of its collectible card games.
A version of the gatlingEngine has been modified to host Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Online.