Gate of the Catalan Countries

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Coordinates: 42°51′16″N 2°56′16″E / 42.854299, 2.937679

Monument as viewed from the land.
Monument as viewed from the land.

The Gate of the Catalan Countries, a work of the sculptor Emili Armengol, marks the Northern starting location of the Països Catalans ("Catalan Countries") in Salses, Pyrénées-Orientales (this part of France belongs to what is also called, especially in Catalonia, Catalunya del Nord or "Northern Catalonia").

After more than 20 years since the beginning of the project (often stopped, and even sometimes forbiden), it was finally inaugurated on September 28, 2003, being visible from the highway. Its conception and execution was in charge of the Union for the Catalan Region.

The aerial view of the monument reminds a sickle, in reference to Els Segadors anthem.

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