Gary P. Sampson

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Gary Sampson currently holds the John Gough Chair in the Practice of International Trade at Melbourne Business School (MBS).

In 1987, he was appointed Director at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in Geneva, and then in 1995, Director at the World Trade Organisation where he has directed a number of divisions. In 2001 he was appointed Senior Counsellor in the Office of the Director General at the WTO.

He is the most highly placed Australian to have worked at both GATT and the WTO.

During his time at the WTO he taught in the Advanced Management Program of INSEAD as well as Executive Development Programs and the MBA. He teaches on a regular basis in TRIUM, the combined Executive MBA of Stern School of Business in New York, London School of Economics, and HEC School of Management in Paris. He has taught in the MBA and EMBA programs at MBS since 1999.

He is trained as an economist and after completing a Doctor of Philosophy at Monash University, he was awarded a post-doctoral research grant by Cambridge University in England. He was subsequently appointed Senior Lecturer in Economics at Monash University. In 1975 he moved to Geneva where he worked with various Divisions of the United Nations.

From 1984-86, he was Senior Fellow in Economic Policy with the Reserve Bank of Australia, and Professorial Fellow at the Centre of Policy Studies at Monash University. He also held various advisory positions with the Australian Industries Commission and the Economic Policy Advisory Committee in the Office of the Prime Minister.

He also currently holds the Chair in International Economic Governance at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the United Nations University in Tokyo.

He has written extensively on all areas of international economics and published widely in both academic and more popular press. His most recent books include “Trade, Environment and the Millennium”, “The Role of the WTO in Global Governance”, “Regional Integration and the Multilateral Trading System: Issues for the Future”, and “The WTO and Sustainable Development”.


[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Books

Trade Environment and the WTO: The Post Seattle Agenda, Overseas Development Council and Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington, 2000.

Trade Environment and the Millennium, Edited with Bradnee Chambers, United Nations University Press, Tokyo 1999.

Trade Environment and the Millennium, Edited with Bradnee Chambers, United Nations University Press, Tokyo 2002, Second Edition.

The Role of the WTO in Global Governance, Editor, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2000.

Regional Integration and the Multilateral Trading System: Issues for the Future, Edited with Stephen Woolcock, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2004.

The WTO and Sustainable Development, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2006.

The WTO Trade and the Environment, Edited with John Whalley, Edward Elgar, Northampton, UK, 2005.

[edit] Global Governance

'Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policy Making', Chapter in Anne Krueger, The World Trade Organisation: it’s Effectiveness as an Institution, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.

"The World Trade Organization after Seattle," The World Economy, Global Trade Policy 2000 (Special Issue), Number 9, Volume 23, September 2000.

Preparing for Seattle: the Key issues and Policy Options, Overseas Development Council Bulletin, Washington D.C, October 1999.

"Globalisation: the Challenge of Global Governance and Cultural and Ethical Dimensions" in Policing the Global Economy: Why, How and for Whom, in Saddrudin Aga Khan (ed.), Cameron and May Ltd., London, 1998.

Comment on ‘The future of the WTO – addressing institutional challenges in the new millennium”, World Trade Review (2005), 4: 3, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

The Future of the WTO in World Economic Affairs, World Trade Review, 2005, 4:3, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

WTO and Sustainable Development, The World Trade Brief, December, 2005.

"Is there a Need for Restructuring the Collaboration among the WTO and UN Agencies so as to Harness their Complementarities?", in Preparing for the Development Round: Challenges to the Legitimacy and Efficiency of the World Trading System, Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence.

"Challenges Facing the WTO: Determining its Role in International Affairs" Chapter 3 in Trade Policy Reforms and Development: Essays in Honour of Peter Lloyd, Edited by Sisira Jayasuriya, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, UK, 2005.

“Is there a need for restructuring the collaboration among the WTO and UN Agencies so as to harness their complementarities”, Part III of Preparing for the Doha Development Round: Challenges to the Legitimacy and Efficiency of the world Trading System, Edited by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University institute, Florence , Italy, 2004. Reprinted in Journal of International Economic Law, 7(3), 2004.

WTO Rules and Climate Change: The Need for Policy Coherence, Chapter 4 in Inter-linkages: the Kyoto Protocol and the International trade and Investment Regimes, Edited by Bradnee Chambers, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2001.

[edit] Trade Policy

'The Neutrality of Technological Change and the CES Production Function', publication of the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, Economic Papers, No. 34, July 1970.

'Salter, Solow and SMAC', Australian Economic Papers, No. 17, December 1971.

Effective Protection and the Substitution Problem, Research Report, Australian Tariff Board, Canberra, Australia, March 1972. 'Salter's Theory of Technical Advance', Economic Record, No. 48, March 1972.

'Factor Substitution and Effective Tariff Rates', Review of Economic Studies, April 1974.

'On the Use of Benelux Coefficients in the Calculation of Effective Rates of Protection', Oxford Economic Papers, November 1979, with A. Yeats.

'An Evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy as a Barrier facing Agricultural Exports to the EEC', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February 1977, with A. Yeats.

Effects of Variable Import Levies and Policy Options, Seminar Paper No. 120, April 1979, Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, with R.H. Snape.

'Effects of the EEC's Variable Levies', Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 88, No. 5, October 1980, with Richard H. Snape.

'Do Variable Import Levies Matter: the Case of Sweden', Journal of Political Economy, August 1976, with A. Yeats.

"The World Trade Organization After Seattle,” The World Economy, Global Trade Policy 2000 (Special Issue), Number 9, Volume 23, September 2000.

[edit] Multilateral Trade Negotiations

'Estimates of Effective Rates of Protection for United States Industries in 1967', Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1975.

'European Export Growth and Instability: An East-West Comparison', Ekonomista, Journal of the Polish Society of Economists, No. 4, 1977, with Andrzej Olechowski.

'Export Instability and Economic Structure', Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 115, Heft 4, 1979, with D. Brodsky.

'Current Trade Restrictions and Imported Manufactured Goods in the EEC, USA and Japan', Journal of World Trade Law, May-June, 1980, with A. Olechowski.

'Erosion of the Discipline of the Multilateral Trading System', Business Council Bulletin, Melbourne, Australia, No. 1, December 1984. "The World Trade Organization After Seattle,” The World Economy, Global Trade Policy 2000 (Special Issue), Number 9, Volume 23, September 2000.

'Protection in Agriculture and Industry: Meeting the Objectives of the Uruguay Round', Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress of the International Economics Association, New Delhi, 1986, Mac Millans, London, 1987.

'Safeguarding Producers from Serious Injury', Chapter in Handbook for the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, M.J. Finger and A. Olechowski (eds.), The World Bank, Washington, 1987.

'Case for Evaluating Protection in an Economy Wide Perspective', The World Economy, Volume 10, No. 2, June 1987, pp. 177-192 with Samuel Laird.

'Competition and Trade Policy: identifying the issues after the Uruguay Round', The World Economy, Volume 18, No. 5, September 1995, pp. 681-705, with Peter Lloyd.

[edit] Trade and Development

'Retained Value and the Export Performance of Developing Countries', The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, October 1980, with D. Brodsky.

'Contemporary Protection and the Exports of Developing Countries', World Development, March 1980. Previously published in CEPAL Review, Second Semester, 1980, Economic Commission for Latin America, Santiago, Chile.

'Structural Change: Accommodating Imports from Developing Countries', in A. Mac Bean (editor), Causes of Changes in the Structure of International Trade, Blackwells, London, 1987.

'Developing Countries and the International Trading System', in Hans Singer and R. Tandon (editors), New International Order in the Eighties, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Arish Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 1987.

'The Generalised System of Preferences After Punta Del Este', in K. Kiljunen (editor), Selective Preferential Arrangements Between Developed and Developing Countries, University of Helsinki, Institute of Development Studies, 1987, with S. Laird.

'Non-Tariff Barriers Facing Developing Country Exports', Chapter 9 in Rules, Power and Credibility, John Whalley (ed.), University of Western Ontario Press (1988).

'Trade Expansion through the Generalised System of Preferences', in Mini-NEO - The Potential for Regional North-South Co-operation, K. Kiljunen (editor), University of Development Studies, University of Helsinki, 1989.

'Comments on Developing Countries and the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations', in Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics, April 1990, Washington D.C.

'What the Uruguay Round Means for East Asia', East Asia and the Uruguay Round, David Robertson (editor), forthcoming Cambridge University Press 1996.

'The Multifibre Arrangement: The Approach and Setting for the Forthcoming Negotiations', Aussenwirtschaft, 36, 1981, with H. Kierzkowsky.

'Market Disturbances and the Multifibre Arrangement', in R.H. Snape (editor), Issues in World Trade Policy: GATT at the Crossroads, MacMillan Press, London 1987.

'Returning Textile Trade to the Normal Workings of GATT: A Practical Proposal for Reform', with W. Takacs, in The Uruguay Round: Textile Trade and the Developing Countries, Carl B. Hamilton (ed.), a World Bank Publication, Washington D.C., 1990.

Textile Trade and GATT, with W. Takacs, Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, January 1988.

'The Pseudo Economics of the Multifibre Arrangement: A Proposal for Reform', The World Economy, Vol. 10, No. 14, December 1987, pp. 455-468.

Plus various exchanges on the proposal involving Aubrey Silbertson and Carl Hamilton in The World Economy.

[edit] International Money and Finance

'The Value of Gold as a Reserve Asset', World Development. Vol.8, No. 3, March 1980, with D. Brodsky.

'Gold, Special Drawing Rights and Developing Countries', Trade and Development, No. 2, Autumn 1980, with D. Brodsky.

'Gold Special Drawing Rights and Developing Countries', in S. Al-Shaikly (editor), Development Financing, Centre for Research on NIEO, Oxford, Frances Printer, London, 1982, with D. Brodsky.

'Exchange Rate Variations Facing Individual Developing Countries', Journal of Development Studies, Volume 19, Number 3, April 1983.

The Source of Exchange Rate Instability in Developing Countries: Dollar, French Franc and SDR Pegging Countries', Weltwirtschaftliches Archives, Band 120, Heft 1, 1984, with D. Brodsky.

'The Impact of the Current Exchange Rate System on Developing Countries', Trade and Development, UNCTAD Review, Geneva, Switzerland, 984, with D. Brodsky.

'Implications of the Effective Revaluation of Reserve Asset Gold: The Case for a Gold Account for Development', World Development, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 589-608, 1981, with D. Brodsky.

Plus various exchanges in the Financial Times, The Times, International Herald Tribune, etc. regarding the gold account for development proposal.

[edit] Trade in Services

'Identifying the Issues in Trade in Services', The World Economy, Volume 8, Number 2, June 1985, with Richard H. Snape.

'Comments on International Trade in Services', in Europe US Trade Relations, National Bureau of Economic Research, R. Baldwin et al. (eds.), University of Chicago Press, 1987.

'Uruguay Round Negotiations on Services: Issues and Recent Developments', in Foreign Trade in the Present and a New International Economic Order, Edited by Detler Dicke and Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, University of Fribourg Press, Switzerland, 1988, pp. 274-287.

'Developing Countries and the Liberalisation of Trade in Services', Chapter 7 in Rules, Power and Credibility, John Whalley (ed.), University of Western Ontario Press (1988).

[edit] Regional Integration

'Regional Trading Arrangements and the Multilateral Trading System', Chapter 1 in D. Kennedy (ed.), Queen's University Belfast, 1995.

'EFTA Within the Multilateral System', in Thirty-five Years of Free Trade in Europe, Emil Ems (ed.), EFTA Free Trade Association, Geneva 1995.

'Compatibility of Regional and Multilateral Trading Agreements: Reforming the WTO Process', American Economic Review, Volume 86, No. 2, May 1996.

'An Analysis of the Incidence of Transportation Costs on Exports from the United Kingdom', Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, May 1978, with A. Yeats.

'An Analysis of the Source of Inter-Country Differences in Transport Costs', Economia Internazionale, August-November 1978.

'Transport Costs and Products of Export Interest to Latin American Countries', International Journal of Transport Economics, December 1979.

[edit] Investment, Environment and Trade

"WTO Rules and Global Environmental Treaties: Climate Change Convention", in Pelham Papers, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 1998.

"Trade and the Environment", Trade Rules in the Making: Challenges in Regional and Multilateral Negotiations, Organisation of American States, Brookings University Press, Washington D.C, 1999.

WTO Rules and Climate Change: The Need for Policy Coherence, Chapter Four in Global Climate Governance, W. Bradnee Chambers (ed.), United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 1999.

Trade, Environment and the WTO: A Framework for Moving Forward, Overseas Development Council Policy Paper, Washington, February 1999. Preface to International Trade and Climate Change Policies by Duncan Brack, Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1999.

"The Future of the Trade, Investment and Environment Debate" in Trade Investment and the Environment, Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1999.

"Risk and the WTO", Chapter 2 in Globalisation and the Environment: Risk Assessment and the WTO, David Robertson and Aynsley Kellows (eds), Edward Elgar Publishers (UK), 2000.

"The WTO and Global Environmental Issues", Harvard International Review, Winter, 2002.

"Effective Multilateral Environment Agreements and Why the WTO Needs Them", The World Economy, September 2001, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 1097-1108.

Biotechnology applications: International Policy and Trade Perspectives, Science and Technology Diplomacy Initiative: Policy Dialogue on Biotechnology Applications and Trade, IAS/UNCTAD, Room XXII, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 11 March, 2003.

Preface in Markus W. Gehring and Marie-Claire Cordonier Seger (Eds), Sustainable Development in World Trade Law, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2005.

[edit] Australian Economic Policy

'The Changing Structure of the Australian Economy', in G. Burke and R. Nottle (editors), The Economy in Operation, VCTA Press, Melbourne, 1973.

'Effective Protection and the Substitution Problem - the Australian Case', Economic Record, June 1975.

'Structural Changes and Developments in the Australian Economy', in G. Burke and R. Nottle (editors), The Economy in Operation II, VCTA Press, Melbourne, 1975.

'An Evaluation of Tariff and Transport Barriers facing products of Export Interest to Australia', Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, May 1977, with A. Yeats.

On Facilitating the Process of Structural Change, Discussion Papers, Department of the Parliamentary Library, Canberra, July 1984.

'An analysis of the post 1984 Arrangements for Motor Vehicles', Economic Papers, Autumn 1984, publication of the Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, with Graeme Woodbridge.

'The WTO and Regional Trading Agreements', The Australian Economic Review, Volume 30, No. 1, January 1997, pp. 75-89.

“Australian Business and the World Trade Organisation: Future Challenges and Priorities”, Melbourne Review,

[edit] Book Reviews

Review of K. Sato, Production Functions and Aggregation, North Holland Published in Economic Record, Vol. 53, No. 141, March 1977.

Review of V. Aggarawal, Liberal Protectionism: The International Politics of Organised Textile Trade, University of California Press, 1985, in The World Economy, Volume 9, Number 3, 1986.

Review of W.R. Kline, The Future of World Trade in Textiles and Apparel, Institute for International Economics, Washington, 1987, in Journal of International Economics.

Review of L.A. Haus, Globalising the GATT, the Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., 1992, in The World Economy.

Review of Jagdish Bhagwati (Editor), Going it Alone; the Case for Relaxed Reciprocity in Freeing Trade, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England for Journal of Economic Literature, December, 2004

[edit] Various Submissions and Commissioned Papers

Joint submission with Max Corden, Fred Gruen and Richard Snape to the Uhrig Inquiry, Review of the Industries Assistance Commission, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1984.

Joint submission with R.H. Snape to the Committee of Review of Offsets, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1985. Barriers to Australian Exports: Selected Commodities, Report commissioned by the Industries Assistance Commission, Canberra, Australia, June 1975.

Economic Analysis of the Borrie Report on Population Projections for Australia, Report commissioned by the Priorities Review Staff, Canberra, Australia.

'Australia and the Multilateral Trading System', Discussion Paper, Report commissioned by Economic Policy Advisory Council, Department of Prime Minister, Canberra, No. 85/9, 1985.

[edit] Recent Examples of Commissioned Newspaper Editorials

“Time Ripe for Doha Agreement”, Australian Financial Review, 26 June 2006.

“Temporary Trade Restraints Deliver Permanent Pain”, Australian Financial Review, 3 March 2006.

“The 45 billion Gold Mine that could help Africa’s Poor”, The Financial Times, July 4, 2005.

FTAs Part of the Problem, not the Solution, Australian Financial Review, 18 January, 2007.

“WTO Ponders Sustainable Agenda”, Nikkei Weekly, 6 February 2006.

“The WTO at Ten”, The Japan Times, 26 October 2005.

- Newspapers and specialised press eg. 'The Metal Trades Union and Australian Industry Policy', Australian Financial Review, April 2, 1985, 'The Real Costs of Creating Jobs in Australia', Australian Financial Review, May 22, 1985 (plus, subsequent exchanges with Metal Trades Union etc. in the Australian Financial Review).


- A wide variety of documentation prepared for Tariff Board, Industries Assistance Commission, Industries Commission, Productivity Commission, UNCTAD, GATT, WTO etc.

[edit] Additional Discussion Papers

Biotechnology and the WTO, paper presented at Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London. (also Mimeograph in Working Paper Series, Institute of Advanced Studies, United Nations University)

Trade, Environment and the WTO: Meeting the Needs of Civil Society, paper presented at conference organized by Trade Department, The Government of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong, 7 March 2000

Future Negotiations on Trade in Services: Issues and Approaches, paper presented at conference organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, 10 March 2000

The Environmental Benefits of Trade Liberalization for Developing Countries, Study prepared for the Department for International Development, U K Government, London. International Environment Agreements and Business, presented at International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 17 April 2000.

Developing countries and a New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Study prepared for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government, Canberra, Australia.

Trade and Sustainable Development, Background Document for the Eminent Persons Meeting for the Preparation of the World Summit in Sustainable Development, United Nations University, Tokyo, 3 September, 2001.