Garissa District

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Garissa District is an administrative district in the North Eastern Province of Kenya. Its capital town is Garissa. The district has a population of 329,939 [1]. The district had an area of 44,952 km² [2] before the Ijara District was split from it in 2002.

Gsrissa district has three constituencies: Dujis, Fafi and Lagdera.

Local authorities (councils)
Authority Type Population* Urban pop.*
Garissa Municipality 65,881 50,955
Garissa County County 264,058 14,820
Total - 329,939 65,775
* 1999 census. Source: [3]
Administrative divisions
Division Population* Pop. density* Area (km²) Headquarters
Balambala 13,071 7 1867,3
Benane 13,381 16 836,3 Benane
Bura 13,009 2 6504,5
Central 70,791 82 863,3 Garissa
Dadaab 103,671 29 4505,9 Dadaab
Danyere 8,652 8 1081,5
Jarajila 50,455 6 8409,2
Liboi 17,140 5 3428,0 Liboi
Modogashe 14,656 7 2093,7
Sankuri 11,713 6 1952,2
Shant-Abak 13,329 4 3332,3
Total 329,868 - 34874,2 -
* 1999 census. Sources: [4]

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