García Jiménez of Pamplona

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García Jiménez or García II was (sub- or co-)king of a part of Pamplona in the late 9th century.

The Basque ruling dynasty (Jiménez) was apparently in control of a part of what would become the kingdom of Navarre distinct from that held by the descendants of Iñigo Arista. García presumably succeeded his father during the lifetime of García Íñiguez, and is listed by the Códice de Roda as being of "another part of the kingdom" of Pamplona.

By a popular reconstruction, when King García I supposedly died in 870 while his son and heir Fortún Garcés was imprisoned in Córdoba, García Jiménez is said to have become uncontested regent of the kingdom until he was killed at Aybar (882) in a battle against the Emir of Córdoba. However, there is evidence that García Íñiguez was still living at the time of his son's return in 880, and it may well have been that monarch who was killed in 882. In fact, there is no documentary evidence of García Jiménez playing any role in the government of the greater kingdom.

García Jiménez married firstly to Oneca, "Rebel of Sangüesa" with whom he had the following issue:

García Jiménez married secondly Dadildis de Pallars, sister of count Raymond I of Pallars and Ribagorza, with whom he had the following issue:

  • Sancho, later sole king of Pamplona.
  • Jimeno, king in succession to Sancho.
Preceded by
Co- or Sub-king in Pamplona Succeeded by
Íñigo Garcés

[edit] References

[edit] Sources

  • Lacarra de Miguel, José María. "Textos navarros del Códice de Roda". Estudios de Edad Media de la Corona de Aragon. 1:194-283 (1945).
  • Pérez de Urbel, Justo. "Lo viejo y lo nuevo sobre el origin del Reino de Pamplona". Al-Andalus. 19:1-42 (1954).
  • Sánchez Albernoz, Claudio. "Problemas de la historia Navarra del siglo IX". Princípe de Viana, 20:5-62 (1959).