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  • i rekon it s/b an article in it's own right...with lotz n lotz of mozaic piccies...maybe a linkage to the it to the healing dude with the snakey-staff...then outline that there are cultural resonances throughout the globe...many naga are fully-realised u know...

[B9_hummingbird_hovering] 13:49, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

  • Ernst Lehner's "Symbols, Signs, and Signets" book lists it in the category of Church and Religion/Religious Symbols, on a page loaded with Judeo-christian imagery. Seems like it's a symbol used in many traditions and has a different origin than the swastika. Vote against merge, why taint more symbols by association, especially when this symbol was not used by the NSDP? Xproudfoot 19:03, 16 April 2007 (UTC)