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Another criticism of the magazine was that a lot of writers, ECM in particular, wrote their articles as if they were posts on internet message boards, using internet-isms such as <cough> and <lame>, detracting from the experience of reading the magazine.
I don't want to edit the article and add it myself, especially since I'm not a registered user, but this should be noted, as I feel it was one of the many, glaring issues the publication had.
And that's not even mentioning the plethora of grammatical errors, typos, and so forth.
It should also be noted that Haohmaru bankrolled the entire operation by basically selling off his mail-order video game business, only to have it go down the tubes because of a editor who didn't know the meaning of politics.
But, thats another story that should be told by the people directly involved. 09:15, 12 November 2006 (UTC)kaz