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Gamofites is an organization of Latter-day Saint gay fathers, but is not a religious organization. Because Mormonism contains many "ites" —Nephites, Lamanites, Jaredites, etc.— the group shortened Gay Mormon Fathers to Ga-mo-fites. Membership in Gamofites is open to any gay father of Mormon background and his partner.
Some Gamofites are married and are just coming to terms with being gay, while others have been living openly as gay men for many years. Current membership is around 200 men living in all parts of the United States.[citation needed] The organization has built a network of social, spiritual, and emotional support for its members.
The main function of Gamofites is to support gay Mormon fathers with love and understanding. This is done through an informal network of friendships (often on the Internet) and through formal weekend retreats. As the number of Gamofites has grown, the number of retreats has increased. Each region holds at least two retreats per year. In its support for the sexuality of its members, Gamofites dissents from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' official doctrine on homosexuality.
In addition, the organization publishes a newsletter; prepares position papers on homosexuality, fatherhood, gay-straight relationships, and Christian teachings for people grappling with these issues; and publicizes and promotes Gamofite activities.
[edit] See also
- Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons
- Criticism of Mormonism
- Ex-Mormon
- Gay parenting
- Homosexuality and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints