Game accessibility

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The field of game accessibility deals with the accessibility of electronic games (computer games, console games, etc.) for disabled gamers. The Game Accessibility Special Interest Group of International Game Developers Association (IGDA) suggested that “Game Accessibility can be defined as the ability to play a game even when functioning under limiting conditions. Limiting conditions can be functional limitations, or disabilities — such as blindness, deafness, or mobility limitations.”

[edit] Introduction

Unfortunately, the vast majority of modern computer games does not meet the needs of gamers who function under limiting conditions. The Game Accessibility Special Interest Group (GA-SIG) writes in their publication Accessibility in Games: Motivations and Approaches (.PDF)(2004) that "between 10% and 20% of the people in a country can be considered disabled." Information from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) seems to confirm this conclusion. Unfortunately, there are no exact figures that describe the scope of the target group.

Over the past few years several initiatives were launched to improve the accessibility of games. Several academies and universities have shown their interest by using the subject of game accessibility in student projects. The limitations of the target group make such projects interesting, instructive and challenging for students. Small companies and hobby-developers started to develop special games, such as audio games (games without visuals that only consist of sound and therefore very accessible for visually impaired gamers) and one-switch games (also known as single switch games), games that can be controlled by a single button. These are not only great examples of accessible games, but also of innovative game design.

In 2003, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) introduced the Game Accessibility Special Interest Group, founded by Thomas Westin and currently chaired by Michelle Hinn. In 2006, the Bartiméus Accessibility foundation initiated the Game Accessibility project, a project which focuses on creating awareness and providing information for game developers, researchers and gamers with disabilities, led by Richard Van Tol. These two major groups work together as advocates within the game industry for increasing the accessibility of video games for gamers with disabilities.

Despite these initiatives, the situation is far from perfect: accessibility is hardly applied to games and the gap between accessible games and mainstream games becomes bigger every day. Most game developers are still very much unaware of game accessibility. Developers who acknowledge the importance of game accessibility and want to use it in their designs often don't know where to start. Games developed in research-projects usually consist of small demos ("proofs of concept") which lack the quality and (re)playability of mainstream games. This is usually also the case with games that have been developed by the small companies and hobbyists. Knowledge about accessible game design that is gained in projects often failed to get documented. Overall, there are too little resources on the subject.

[edit] External links

[edit] Accessible Gaming Links in other Languages

  • Danish "" article on one-switch gaming.
  • Japanese Various links.
  • Japanese NAMCO "Re-habilitainment" web-site.
  • Russian "" accessible gaming article.