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Galtellì (in Garteddi Sardinian) is common of 2.431 inhabitants of the province of Nuoro.Fra its roads is acclimatized the novel of Deledda Grace Canes to the wind, in which it appears with the name of Galte. To little steps from the former cathedral of S.Pietro, in fact, it is possible to still today visit that one that was the room where soggiornò the author. Galtellì conserve the traces of its glorious one passed in how much being diocese center had a role a lot important in all the territory of the ancient sentence of Gallura and, in particular, in the territory of the Barony. To Galtellì it is possible to admire one of conserved more characteristic the historical centers and better of the Sardinia, in which numerous churches can be admired which over cited cathedral of Saint Peter who conserve to the inside an interesting cycle of frescoes Romanesque, the church of Saint Maria of the Towers (puts into effect them SS. Crocifisso) where sudorazione is guarded a miraculous Crocefisso (blood in 1612), the Church of Assumed (Sec. XVI) the church of Saint Croce (Sec. XV), a lot important to architectonic level the ancient padronale house "Tames de Marras" currently used after Etnografico Museum, in which the atmospheres of the life and agropastorale culture are prepared several. Galtellì is bathed from the Cedrino and in winter 2004 it has been object of a flooding caused from the extraordinary precipitations of the period. Important is to remember that it is found to the slopes of the Tuttavista mount, than in its turn separates it from the sea and offers to the inhabitants the possibility to resupply of water potabile.In times not too much recent was richest of game and therefore territory of hunting also for countries limitrofi.È crossed gives via National that given to the structure urban planning effectively carry out the functions of piazza.In it are in fact easy to imbattersi in a bar or a store. Also here as of the rest in many countries of the Sardinia it is a lot felt the presence of several bar, that they offer easy cues of social aggregation.
Curiosity [ modification ]
Galtellì is passed recently to the reports in order to have determined to cancel all the references to Savoia house, after the ingiuriose phrases turned from the son of the last king of Italy the Sardinian people. Via Umberto it has been rinominata via Karol Wojtila and Vittorio Emanuele via Made happy Assumed Vergine.