Talk:Gallucci v. New Jersey On-Line LLC

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Hello, edits were made earlier today to: add the date and court in which the case was filed; more fully summarize upfront the allegations made by the complaint; try to eliminate the erroneous impression that might have been given that the present case challenges Dendrite; correct the inaccuracy that Gallucci "frequently posted" on message board; move the description of Gallucci's posts into the "Development of the Case" section; correct the inaccuracy that Brennan had been involved in "civil rights legislation"; give the reason for Brennan's subpoena; include information provided by Brennan's lawyer on's compliance with the subpoena as well as the compliance by other ISP email providers that were subpoenaed; eliminate the phrase "higher standards" (higher than what? -- while this phrase was used by a columnist, I do not believe it appears in the Dendrite decision); and provide more background on Public Citizen, the group that has taken this case on.

External links were also added, including the complaint that was filed; Public Citizen's press release announcing the lawsuit; the Dendrite decision; and Public Citizen's amicus curiae brief joinly filed with the NJ ACLU regarding the Dendrite case.

StrictlySpeaking 02:46, 29 April 2007 (UTC)Strictly Speaking