Image talk:Galette-Renoir.jpg

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There is a crime hidden in the painting, and everybody dance and laugh around it. Look at the boy in the center of painting. Open discussion are welcome.


[edit] A crime?

Dou you mean the boy near the tree? What´s the crime with him? I need more details.


You can see the yellow hat guy in a extrange posture, He seems to tell something to the girl in the other side of the tree, but his hand is covering a sound like a groant. The boy is watching a dark haired woman sitted backwards in the main table. This three characters (the boy, the yellow hat guy and the black haired woman) are joined by a misterious link. What does the yellow hat man on top of the suffering boy? ¿Why the boy are looking at the black haired with disdain?


I’d already realised some kind of complicity among them. That’s evident. While everybody in the scene look at others as if they were spying (or just contemplating the possibility of love, the game of youth), the boy and the mother (it´s clear to me now) are the only ones who are glancing at each other’s eyes. But there’s no crime there, and no suffering in the boy, but pity.

The man with the yellow hat was trying to flirt with the girl with the back on the tree. He was whispering at the girl´s ear with lust, as he’s done so often for the past seven years, but this time the innocence of his son was there to listen. “Would you like to have a promenade with me along the river” These are not the first words that a boy ought to listen from a father who’s repudiated him, who abandoned his mother with the pain of birth. The mother’s hated that man for seven years and the son’s done the same for his hole live. Now, he’s holding a knife that is stabbing his father's stomach but, would you call it a crime?

Good point! May be you are right and there is not a crime, perhaps a pity, some complicity between these three characters. But if you look behind, the position of the 'father' and the boy doesn't seem to be normal. Well, I would like to explain what I think. I see a pedophile pig with a yellow hat, not a father, I mean a client of a mother without scruples, and the boy is doing or receiving something nasty sexual act from the monsieur client. Yes, It's a real horrorshow, I know, but I see this situation in this incredible piece of great art.